Amidst the Storm...




Ok, it's out. Amidst the Storm is ready to be devoured. :D

I'm so proud of it...I'll consider this one as my first real track. Amidst the Storm took me the longest so far out of 3 other complete tracks, and 1 not complete.

I've listened to it more than 300 times already, trying to make it sound exactly like I want to. I'm so dang sick of it! However, the ones who previewed it are really shocked by the difference between Eye of the Storm and Amidst the Storm...Amidst the Storm IS, in fact, jaw dropping. Thank god.

Take a listen to it...

P.S. MrX, sorry about the "dance part" man, I was workin' between Soular Eclipse and Amidst the Storm at the same time...the dance part is in Soular Eclipse, but the every other effect and mindgame I spoke of is in Amidst the Storm. Sorry...but you'll live. :p

Here it is:

You'll enjoy it...for sure.


Dammit, now I know what's wrong. I opened the file in Winamp first so now all .asx formats are associated with winamp, and winamp can't play .asx!! Curse these stupid Pc's.

I'm sure its good DÜke, I'll listen to it when it gets out on .mp3. Cloud eyes was pretty damn groovy by the way.


You need to do two things, A22.

1) Delete the file association.
2) Remove WinAmp. (It sux)


Well removing winamp would have the same effect as the first one ;) I don't mind winamp, its reasonable... Yeahplayer is pretty cool.

Just to make this something other than spam. Cloud eyes is cool, once again :)


... and it decides not to open for me this time... could hear the others. grrrrr :mad:

o well... I'll try again later


It's kind of stagnant 'til 1:41, but it picks up alot there.


...for listening...

Soular Eclipse is back in focus now, no telling when it'll get done...but I promise you, I WILL move you. I have friends than "review" it (some just bulls**t me, but some are dogmatic), and they said it's an amazing dance piece. Soular Eclipse will prove once and for all that I have the talent...

Plus, the big part is that I, myself, sing in it. I wrote all the lyrics too...

Lyrics for Soular Eclipse:

This is the human race...

As long as we are a live
We will not survive
Even when we say good-bye
We know the world is not alright...

The fall is closer
The future is a head
I can see the pains
I can feel the end
We are the human race
We are the war
Without pride or grace

The future is ahead
The doors are closing
We are falling once again...
=======>>(Change of heart point of the song when it reaches the exact middle)<<=======
Look beyond the horizon...

Hawaiian mage

Dude man! That's the goodest thing ever!

But on another note, someone care to explain we DUke is writing quasi-techno music?


Hey, I don't know, but anyone who can turn out a mid-key techno Carmena Burana scores some MAJOR points with me. :)



Thanks all...

I love Carmina Burana, and when you love something this much, you could do everything to it. :)

Also, I assure you, when you hear Soular Eclipse, Amidst the Storm will seem nothing but a great intro. Soular Eclipse is one of those things that burn itself into your brain. It will hopefully at least enter the top 10 songs of the week in Acid Planet too...

Hawaiian Mage, I'm not doing just techno. I'm doing classical, hip hop, trance, dance, trip hop, world, new age, pop, AND of course, techno. All intermixed throughout to create, hopefully, something that's almost refreshing and new. Amidst the Storm is only a very small beginning, I personally assure you. Why I'm doing it? I feel the need to express myself through music, not just plain, useless, pointless, and redundant words... :)

Thanks for the wonderful support.



Forgive my over-excitment...I know it's raw...:)

To fit Soular Eclipse complex music-build up, I changed the lyrics a bit, and added more "proper" ones. I'm having a hard time fitting some of them properly...

Still haven't gotten the official lyrics...
*Soular Eclipse:

"There's a war coming..."

"You sure you're on the right side?"

The fall is close
The future is ahead
I can feel the pains
I can see the end...

The doors are closing
Again we are falling...

...Soular Eclipse...

The light is brighter
After this darkness

The joy of life is clear
After the tears of sadness...

God...forgive us...

The time has come to let go
To the paradise...of your soul...
Plus about 50+ effects...

The whole thing is weird, cause the lyrics are serious, the music is (in order) dance/techno/ambient/trance...and after all that, is still sounds like a merciless, chaotic, extream war anthem...that you could really dance to in bubble-gum teenage it's a commercial sounding, yet amazingly faithful track...<laughs>

I like it. :)

Last but not least, it will take until mid December to get done because like I said above, it's very complex to work with, and this one means a lot to me. Ironic: a war anthem, chaos inducing, lovely dance making song and musical just in time for the New Year! :D


"There's a war coming..."

"You sure you're on the right side?"
At least I've chosen a side. ;)

Once again, DUke, quite spiffy. I wish my speakers didn't suck, though. :p



I love you figured it out!
At least I've chosen a side. ;)'s a quote from the X-Men movie. I even got the exact quote said by Wolverine from the movie...and it sounds hip on Soular Eclipse. :)

<sigh> The lyrics changed once again though...this is the official one, though it's not done...but I've already fit this stuff into the song:
Soular Eclipse


There's a war coming...(X-Men quote)

You sure you're on the right side? (X-Men quote)






There's a war coming! (X-Men quote, edited)

America needs wisdom...not power...
It has used power along with the West to the extream extent
Only to find out later that it doesn't achieve what they wanted...
Will the rulers of America try wisdom just for once, so that
their people can live in security and stability? (From the Iraqi TV)

(Will the rulers of America try wisdom just for once, so that
their people can live in security and stability?) (From the Iraqi TV)

(It has used power...) (From the Iraqi TV)

On my orders, the United States has begun strikes...(Bush addressing the U.S.)

(It has used power...)(From the Iraqi TV)

Every nation has a choice to make...
In this conflict, there's no neutral grounds...(Bush addressing the U.S.)

(There's no neutral grounds...)(Bush addressing the U.S.)

(There's no neutral grounds...)(Bush addressing the U.S.)

(There's no neutral grounds...)(Bush addressing the U.S.)
I'm probably gonna add more quotes and make it fair for the song. This is said to be the "final" version, but I'm not sure...I'm only workin' with 5 other people...and I'm no leader, so I dunno...