Alright you pansya$$ Fishkissers



You little lowlife looselipped lunkheaded lecherous lurking labotomized legless leering limpwitted lumps!!

You are less than the spittle left upon a camels pimply rump by a syphilitic goat with a wandering eye!

You about as much class among the lot of you as can be found in Bill Gates entire department of fashion advisors.

I hereby challenge any and all who may read this post to come out and fight, bring it on!
And prepare to be shredded by the wit razor sharp as the Gryphons claw!

The Magic Jackal

you have offended me gryphon.


Congrats gryphon, you are my first kill. Please continue on with your flaming, although now your wings are clipped


Baaaaad idea, chumley.

Let me get this straight, you fetid excrement of a diarrhea-riddled mole rat.

You actually have the temerity to think that the pathetic, molding mass that you have the balls to call a brain is capable of stringing together enough multisyllabic words to even make a hint of a dent in me?

Clearly, your ego far outsteps your intellectual capacity. I'm not entirely surprised, though; you had to have SOMETHING that could be described in some way other than 'miniscule', after all.

It's an unfortunate fact that natural selection seems to have averted its eyes, not wanting to claim you, feeble excuse for a living creature that you are. I suppose that if I were the earth, I wouldn't want you in ME, either.

Mind you, I'm not all that surprised that you've turned out to be such a wretched spectacle of a poster. I mean, look at you. Named after one of the most USELESS creature classes in Magic. What, did the Orcs sue when you tried to call yourself Ironclaw_Joe?

Now, waddle on home to your Pale Moon / Thoughtlace / Ironclaw Curse decks, and leave the battles of wits to those of us with the equipment to put up a show that could be called something OTHER than laughable, hmm?


Actually, I think this entire situation is very funny. Guess thats just me...


O.k. ladies.
Now that your mothers, little sisters, and wheelchair bound grannies are done looking up nude pictures of Michael Jackson on your computers, perhaps you could take the keyboard back and hold a glimmering shred of intelligence up that you could try to harness, (if you don't injure yourself in the process) to type a true quality insult rather than this amature escapade of trying to break out of puberty.



Chaos Turtle

"And so it came to pass in the Year of the Loon, that every squirming turd with a mind no bigger than the ass-end of a lepton did wriggle onto the battleground and shame itself without heed to the concept that posts ought at least be intelligible, if not intelligent."
Turtle, 4:20

The Chaos Turtle has come to show you home. You have embarassed yourselves and your species. Use that last iota of self-respect to extricate yourself from the pseudo-intellectual mire into which you have sunk so deeply.

--the Chaos Turtle
"For The Turtle so loved the world that he gave his only begotten turd, so that others might have something to look up to."
Turtle, 3:16


Whoa, I was just gettin' warmed up,
btw, good rejoinder Istanbul

Where do you get off calling backbone temerity? You misinformed misanthrope! Just because your pathetic excuse for something vaguely resembling a spine, is as limp and decrepit as your vastly inferior disjointed abacus of a collection of nerves that you take obviously perverse joy in calling a brain, doesn't give you any sort of priviledge to attempt a battle of wits with one such as I. I would reject your sorry attempt at an engagement in combat, I never fight an unarmed opponent.

On the other hand, such a rejection, likely following your mothers spurning of your crude attempts at sex, would probably result in a the crushing of yet another whiny little poser who dared to defy one such as I. Since I have always felt compassion for slugs, worms, and other inferior lifeforms, I will allow you to continue to post any incoherent yammerings you may wish. Who knows, you may find somebody to type a decent response for you.

And where do you get off making fun of other peoples nicks? For your information mine was developed totally independantly of a game I once thought too dignified to allow imbecilic wretches such as yourself. A gryphon has always been an embodyment of nobility and ferocity, and as such is featured on many coats of arms, whereas your nick was obviously an acronym describing yourself.
Incompetent Spittle-encrusted Twisted Assinine Neutered Bloated Urine-soaked Leech.

By the way Jackal, you should know that in real life I am a troll, as can be confirmed by Ura, so arrows prove to be an annoyance at best, and then only if they strike my eye. I really miss depth perception for the whole few seconds it takes me to tear out the arrow and regenerate the eye. Whereupon I return it to you, just before tossing you headfirst down an outhouse hole.

As for the rest of you pathetic preachy partisan pithy premature pointless posers,
know you now that this is not, never was, and never will be meant or taken seriously.


Unfortunatly I have to confirm that Gryphon is indeed part troll. The other part is either mutant merfork, or the scrapings of the grill from McDonalds.
The best way to deal with it is flaming arrows.

*gives Jackal some gasoline soaked arrows and a lighter.*

Fire away! :)

The Magic Jackal

*The Magic Jackal uses his magical powers to Enchant his arrows*

You don't know what's coming to you gryphon:


You shouldn't have tested me, you haven't even seen me mad. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
BTW, the extra four arrows were worth it


Jeez, are you all as cowardly and wimpy as the mogg's you so likely resemble?
The second someone tries to start a flame war you all go and hide, or try to change the subject.
Let's see some decent comebacks already!

Your mother was a fish and your father was a myopic anteater. You got your mothers lips and brain with your fathers nose and physique.

I don't even know why I bother with the lot of you cowering sniveling whiny snots.


I'd get more involved, but I already know there isn't a thing I could do or say to you Gryphon that your brother already hasn't.


Hmmmm. This looks like fun.
Maybe I should get involved.
Besides I'm so bored.

Magic Jackel, you are crazy.
Nuff said.


"To make peace with the forest, make peace with me."
-Multani to Urza

The Magic Jackal

that's the whole idea of me going on a rampage Multani.


You think Magic Jackal is crazy? That's like a slug calling a lobster ugly!
And speaking of ugly, you look like the result of a mating between a patch of seaweed and a deformed trout! I'm hardly surprised that you are untargetable, spells can't stand your proximity!
And what's with the p/t equal to cards in hand? Why couldn't you do something original, rather than copying that Maro guy.

Then again, your brain is probably so atrophied that you can't tell the difference between your insanity and the sanity of others.

Now go back to playing b1t[h to rofellos you two bit whore.

Dune Echo

I fart in your general direction and I wave my private parts in your general direction.

Boy, the best part of you ended up as a stain on your mother's sheets!

Dune Echo

I must be bored too!


GryphonClaw, how can you make a judgement about me when you've never seen me before!
I probably don't even live in the same state as you!
And whats the deal with all that bullshit you said about Multani. Multani is an awesome card!

"To make peace with the forest, make peace with me."
-Multani to Urza

P.S. You probably dream about doing it with Rofellos.

Spaceman Spiff

uh i uh , er you guys SUCK ,ya ya thats good
real smooooooth spiff..
and AND and, BTW, yo momma!
= P