Magic Quiz



1- A. I don't have anyone to play against anymore...

2- A. ...because I am in a college town with no accessible place to play.

3- C. I love you guys...

4- C. ...too bad I always think about playing when I meet a fellow player because, once again, I have NOBODY to play against!

5- D. Blue all the way! Control you until you rip out your eyes screaming "Stop it! Stop it!! Stop it!!!" Incidentally, DUke did a very good job making my card; it defines my playing style very well.

I have a score of 14. This is not accurate. The amount of my obsession is not correctly depicted because I have nowhere to play anymore. Does anyone know where I can play Magic in Ypsilanti, MI?


I'm not sure that's too accurate a quiz...

1. A. But I own 80% of all the cards (counting only the rares since the others are so easy to collect), never having spent more than this in a single go. Hell, I EARNED money building my collection! I didn't pay for most of it.

2. What comes before A? I play at home about every other night, people come to my place to play, not the other way 'round. That should probably count as an E. ;)

3. None of the options are relevant, but I'd go with A for scoring as I tend to not think about Magic unless the cards are infront of me.

4. Don't know. Haven't met any new ones (offline that is) in years, I have to train them myself. When I meet my friends we usually talk about our days, movies, women, anime, etc, even while we're playing. I'll score that an A for being off topic of the game.

5. One card and one card only: I play Green because I got a Gaea's Liege in my first starter box of Unlimited. I guess that's a B, even though my collection is black heavy in the top cards.

Total: 9 (10 if you give me the E on #2). Yet I've been playing since before Revised came out, I'm a fanatical collector, I play for about an hour a day, and I've corrupted over 30 new players (five since this September)...

Most telling reason I should have scored 20: Just today I went to my boss' wedding reception. I wore (and still have on as I write this) one of the black MTG polo's with the embroidered mana symbols on the left breast. No joke.