Star Wars vs. Star Trek


Cateran Emperor

You have GOT to be kidding! The Borg may have been slightly cool at first, but not any more. The Borg are the lamest, most hackneyed idea I've seen in a looooooooong time. Ever since that Matrix movie, the idea of sentient machine villians has grown more prominent and yet at the same time more obviously a ludicrous and foolish concept. Star Wars at least had possible, feasible villians, living things which could kick ass and look cool doing it. Voyager has so badly overdone those stupid machine thingys that they're actually hilarious, bumbling fools to point at and laugh. I've never really thought the Borg were even remotely a threat, since they never actually attack anything in force (case in point is First Contact; what kind of invasion is only one friggin ship?)

I'll watch a fight with cool Dark Jedi over lame robot things any day thanks.

Cateran Emperor

Um, why has the guy who started the thread not posted ever since? Anyone else wondering about that?


Well, I haven't posted because I haven't had the time. I did not want to start a flame war, but I accidentally did. I wanted to gage reactions and your arguments. I feel that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

I like both Star Wars and Star Trek, but I like Star Wars just a bit better. Both have their good parts and bad parts, so please don't think I'm some guy who just decided to be a jerk and rile people up.

Your contributions have been noted, and I'm glad no one used any "Technobabble" (as of yet).

Thank you for your time and replies,

-=Lt. Col. Tycho Celchu=-

Cateran Emperor

My apologies, but some people have come here and posted once to start a flame war, then left :mad: