



Does anyone here know a site for or by hackers, and I mean hackers of the higher, expert types - ones who can retrieve some basic information from a basic server?

I need a...hacker.


If you need someone to get into a server, by cracking through the protection etc. Go get a cracker.

Hackers are just a bunch of programmers who share information and stuff, crackers are mallitious kids who break into servers and stuff.

Man, you really know peoples pet peeves, don'cha?



Actually, I'm not trying to start trouble or anything. My identity has been stolen in www.enigmamusic.com. After banning me months ago, deleting all my threads and posts, I go back there to check some news only to discover that someone has been using my identity, my style, even my thoughts, to the point that there are debates over there of whether this guy is me or not, and how he has the ability to still access the forums even after being banned on 3 different IP addresses. Now when I was banned, I left - no tears over it - but man, to have someone using your name, your thoughts, your interests, even your life to fool others that he is you, that's more than one can handle.

All I want to know who this guy is...

I contacted the webmaster twice now in the past month, and no reply. He hated me and was really forced to ban me by the two religious dogmatic shedevils that calls herself "MotherNature" and the other being "Silver Queen."

Banning me is one thing. Pretending being me is another - which I will not tolerate...


Those 2 have been added to my favorites...

we'll see how that goes with work...;)


Have fun, I'd do something like that, but Ed would just ban me for doing it.

Damn Mtgnew.com


Staff member
I'm sorry to hear that happened. I wonder if my friend Delem is still writing for 2600...it's been years since I last saw him, but he actually has a business that specializes in un-doing the damage caused by hackers...I'll see if I can track him down for you...


"Like me, he believes in doing anything for a friend"


>> Those 2 have been added to my favorites...

Would be pretty funny to find out in a month or so that you started up a 2600 meeting in your area. ;)



www.Enigmamusic.com is being dealt with accordingly. You know, I never have attacked an entire website - I try to keep extreme measures in check all the time, but when you ignorantly ban me for the sake of thieving my identity, and then speak about me day and night even after 6 months of the initial events, and with me having no ability to say a single thing (being banned), it really leads to fantaical measures...


Nightstalkers, I've told this to many, and you I get to say it to you: if there is a person so ignorant to computers than it is me. I don't spend much time on them except for things which you might consider to be trivial, such as writing. How to change an IP address goes so far beyond my comprehension. Besides, for what purpose would I change my IP address? I was banned - they want me gone, I don't want to return. I still can contact the webmaster, I have his personal email - but he refuses to reply to me because of our bad history, not to mention the subversion and undermining, manipulation and conspiracy that Mother Nature and Silver Queen, along with their herds, weave so perfectly over his naive little head. These two innovative corrupters treat anyone that stands in their moderator-status power-trip as an insect - I was banned solely because of their influence on other members, their ability to creatively deceive and manipulate, lie, and over impose and intimidate if necessary. I was personally threatened by Mother Nature – even herds in the site were beginning to awaken to the loud threats that she was sending my way…

Hateful and resenting is such an understatement to describe these two women. "Stupid" is an understatement to describe all moderators and especially the infantile webmaster. "Pathetic" is simply being painfully generous when describing any member of their boards.

What am I doing about it? Again, I'm usually a calm person - although my mouth is loud, I restrain my actions. Only rarely I lose control, and with these two religious whores, I have lost all patience and calmness. I am currently negotiating with my Canadian cousin who happens to be a cracker of crackers - I figured he'd offer the fastest "business" since he hangs in cracker circles. What do I want?

...The entire domain of www.enigmamusic.com vanished. The sooner, the better. I want it corrupted at least, infested, damned, and brought down from its elitist and patriotic stand, down to the gutters that it truly is.

Did you know that they do not allow anyone to speak negatively of Michael Cretu (who is the mastermind behind the music of Enigma)? A well known and respected member just got his post deleted because he gave his negative opinion concerning Michael Cretu. It was deleted and he was warned on the basis that his post threatened the "spirit" of the boards. His “negative” opinion offended members! How by the name of this earth does an opinion about an artist become a source of bloodshed! Anyone who is nonreligious and non-Christian who attempts to as little as breathe in that manner is automatically looked down at as an inferior specimen to be undermined and conspired against. Muslims and Arabs in general are scorned to no ends. I registered as "Sage" for the longest time, then after 9/11 I reregistered using my real name, "Salam," which was immediately a reason to ignore all my opinions, to attack me as an individual, to dismiss my ideas as being anti-American solely because my name was not, say, John or Bob – all this happened months and months before I actually came in touch with my fanatical philosophical nature which eventually lead me to admit that I am, politically and philosophically speaking, proudly anti-American. But I have nothing whatsoever against Americans when it comes to day to day life and chatter (all my friends are Americans), again, all my "negative" sentiments are purely philosophical. Nevertheless, they scorned me for my damn name! For being an Arabian who simply cannot understand the glorious "American way"! The “American spirit”! “Spirit” in general…

I know that "freedom of speech" is an illusion, but in EnigmaMusic, they still manage to degrade even further all American ideals to the extent that comparing them with Americans of this board, for example, is downright filthy! And this is saying a lot! Imagine train disagreeing with a woman who praises America days in and out, without the slightest flicker of a decency and respect towards any other culture whatsoever. Give her moderator powers, good looks (all women in EnigmaMusic are beautiful), an unmatched flirt ability, the ability to undermine and deceive, political frenzy mixed with utter naiveté, and you have one dangerous moderator who's actually respected and loved! They literarily wish to bow before her, and she accepts every offer of praise – she accepts all praise. Everything negative is…wrong, untruth, anti-American, evil, terrorist; the slightest sigh that flutters to the wind, if it happens to be riddled with negative sentiments, she would immediately accuse the person of being a “Muslim” or at least an “Arab.” In those boards, everything that argues, debates, and has an opinion is called “Muslim,” even if the members confess to being devoted Christians, nonreligious, Buddhists, or whatever – say “I disagree,” and they will call you a “Muslim.”

Spiderman, for example, is a Muslim by their standards. You can only imagine what I am called. The Casual Player's Alliance is a dwelling place for filthy Muslims who actually dare have a political forum! Who actually dare debate! Bad Muslims! Bad Jews! Bad the World! Long live American Christians and only American Christians! That's exactly the extent to which these germites have gone...

I want to behold the downfall of such a closed circle...


Oh well, you could always change your IP and contact the admin there.

Or just crash the server.


Board rebellion is great. I hate forum nazis. I hope someone helps you out, DUke. Unfortunately, i'm an idiot when it comes to computers, so i couldnt help you.

Good luck.


Staff member
DUke, I can understand your wanting to destroy the site. From what you say, not only do they deserve to be wiped out of the virtual universe, but their webmasters could use a nice bit of "re-education." I'm still trying to get ahold of some of my old Hacker friends. It's been a few years since I last saw them, so it's slow going...I'll let you know what I can find.

In the meantime, though I'm glad that you're not posting there right now. You were not meant to post in a realm of mindless sheep that just want to belittle everyone that dares to disagree w/ them...you were meant to post to us and belittle us when we disagree :D

Seriously, I'm tempted to go there just to shake things up...I'd like to see how fast I could get my IP address banned...


"If I could get you an easy way to mask your IP address so you could go back, would you take it?"