What I learned today...

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member

Well, to tell you the story:
I just finished the graphic design for my entry into MTGNews's Navigation contest and I started doing the HTML for it.

Well, I have this cool thing surrounding the ad banner, and my code worked fine in Internet Explorer. But I checked it in Netscape, and...

It wasn't even reconizeable!!

Anyway, I came up with a cheap hack to get it to work right, but that was an hour wasted!

[end rant]


Chaos Turtle

Since you asked...
Is it supposed to be blurry? It hurts my eyes. The white page has something to do with that I think, because the way this site looks, it doesn't bother me at all.

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Blurry on the mouseovers? yes.

White background? Kind of stipulation for MTGNew's contest.


Chaos Turtle

I wasn't blaming you for the white background, only saying that it makes the blurriness more straining on the eyes.

Actually, I hadn't tried checking for mouseover effects. I just did though, and it's very, very cool.

I meant that some of the letters were already blurry-looking, the capitals in particular, and was wondering if that was intentional or not. Saying "it hurts my eyes" was probably an overstatement, but it does make me feel like I'm out-of-focus.

The blurs on this site (and on your MTGnews logo) are a different color than the text they're shadowing, whereas the ones on the Navbar are the same. that's probably why they look blurry to me.

I'm generally unfocused anyway, though, so maybe just don't worry about it too much. :)

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
I see what you mean. It's actually the way I set anti-aliasing in Photoshop I think. Perhaps it was the GIF compression that took out some colors.

BTW, CT, what resolution/color depth are you using?


Chaos Turtle

I dunno, I'm at school...

Looks like the max color setting with 600x800 resolution, which is what I use at home.

The resolution may be higher, but I can't check, as the admin here has disabled all that stuff.