U/R/B Wizards



Hey everyone. I'm stuck with a few card slots in this deck that need the help of all of the blue expertise around here.

I like balance, so at least 2 solid ways to win, with 2 more "fluke" or "steady pluck" are my choice. Here's the list, I'm open to all suggestions.

Prenote: I was thinking about more focus on the decking theme with a couple more raven guild masters and dragon shadow. let me know

2 tradewind rider
1 raven guild mster
1 merchant of secrets
2 information dealer
1 sage aven
1 mischeivous quanar
1 spy network
1 brain geyser
1 stroke of genius
1 counterspell
1 decree of silence

4 living wall
1 ticking gnomes

2 finkel
3 terminate

1 cabal interrogator
1 reaping the graves
2 lingering death

2 dragon mage
2 reckless embermage
3 lightning bolt


Staff member
Well, for decking there's Reef Pirates...

oops, unless you're set on keeping the Wizard creature type... you can reason the Pirates are mercenaries they hired :)


I see the main problem in the deck as lack of attack power until 1 of 2 dragons appears. What "themey" evasive attacking can i add besides more finkels?

I'm sure one of these equip abilities will be a Tawnos' Wand reprint or something. I'm not above using the wand, i just need to be able to deal with big damage prevention.

I cant play wall of tears because i still see too many nekrataals and flametongues.


there's the unblockables... or cheap flyers... or you could run pingers - that way you don't actually have to attack...


Suq Ata Firewalker - great against flametongues - and she can bury the nekrataal before leaving...

Of course - you could make your creatures untargetable...