Type 1 circa 1996: Matt's Eureka Deck


Staff member
From Deep Magic by Charles Wolfe and George Baxter, 1996, pp.113-114.

Changes to the Banned/Restricted List have been made since then.

"Matt Scoggins, a member of the Palace crew, is often searching for an unusual or unique deck. This is one that he put together and enjoyed some measure of success with. The basic idea of the Eureka deck was to play a Eureka and a number of large trampling creatures and then play a Concordant Crossroads and hit an opponent for a large amount of damage.

Generally one round of punishment with the large creatures in this deck is enough to put an opponent out of the game. Simply laying three creatures which do five damage and a Concordant Crossroads to allow them to attack lets you inflict a massive amount of damage on your opponent very quickly.

The deck has enough mana that it can usually cast some of its creatures if a Eureka is not drawn or countered. The Nevinyrral's Disk can help clear the play area before the Eureka is cast. The major weakness this deck suffers from is counterspell decks. These decks tend to make it very difficult to get the Eureka off, and since the power in this deck is mainly distributed into a few major cards during any given game, countering these specific cards will usually cause serious problems for the Eureka deck.

At the same time, the deck has excellent surprise value and can be very demoralizing to an opponent. Going from a winning position to death in one round can cause your opponent to make mistakes in the next game because he fears the same thing happening again."

Matt's Eureka Deck


2 Craw Wurms
2 Llanowar Elves
4 Craw Giants
4 Colossus
2 Clone


4 Eureka
3 Concordant Crossroads
1 Time Walk
1 Regrowth
1 Berserk
2 Ancestral Recalls (this is odd, I'm sure this was restricted in '96)
3 Nevinyrral's Disks
1 Chaos Orb
4 Mana Drain


1 Mox Sapphire
1 Mox Emerald
1 Sol Ring
1 Black Lotus
2 Mishra's Factories
4 Tropical Islands
10 Forests
6 Islands


3 Unsummons
2 Tanquilities
1 Clone
2 Energy Flux
3 Crumble
4 Strip Mine