split cards



Dual cards SUCK.
Remeber the charms I posted on the Home-made card board? (I pulled them for lack of interest, so I doubt anyone does.) They were pushing the multiple-effects-on-one-card idea. This two-on-one deal is total BS. Petition WotC! We didn't want the cards redesigned, and we don't want the cards to be raped and denuded either! A card is a Card! What's the point of a card if a booster's worth of effects are on each? (WotC, hint, hint, we buy less cards if one card serves multiple perposes.)

mogg bomber

If you go to my post here titled "Almost all the Invasion spoiler is up" you'll see that I predicted these cards existance. And why would you complain about them? Without change Magic would grow boring. I think the reason Masques was such a boring set was because there were no new abilities that were too interesting in there. Nemesis however introduced Fading,and was a much better set. I think of this as a new way of expanding the game, when almost every other possiblity has been explored. If almost every card in Invasion was like this, then I'd complain, but as it's only 5 cards(or 10 depending on how you look at it...) I think it's just another unusual new mechanic.


Sorry, I like the idea. You can put them in decks that play the appropriate colors, or use them in limited for whichever color you are playing.

I thought most of the people here played for fun. These are fun cards! If you don't want the "split" cards you open, send them to me!


What's worse is the cycles in this set are puns!

Boolean ones, too!

Fight OR Flight
Do OR Die
Stand OR Fall
Wax AND Wane
Assault AND Battery
Pain AND Suffering

What worries most is that Magic used to not depend on new gimmics to survive. New card abilitites were all that were needed. Now we need foils and dual cards to be interested. I fear it will kill Magic. And I'm no doomsayer, either! Gimmics don't mater, mechanics do. If the mechanics fail, so will the Game.

I need to eat some cheese...and I'm all out. :(