something thats been bothering me when i go to tradimg posts



I see the same thing over and over.
foils(i dont really see the big deal is with these but then again if i had a foil rhox i wouldn't be bitching now would I?)
the dark ball lightning(whats the big deal about that one?isnt any other series good enough?mebbe its worth more i dont know i dont have one heh)
oh and lets not forget reflecting pools and city of brass(tap to add any color to your mana pool and 1 point of damage. why not just get a mana prism like i have ?)
hmmmmm... maybe i get irritated when i see the same list from 100+ people who want the exact same thing,orrr maybe im just pissed that i dont have those cards hmmmmmmm.nahhhhh!
the big point that im tryin to convey is not everyone has those cards and when a 100+ people want the same thing and nothing else it makes it hard on us good decent traders to trade anything because i dont have a rhox or 4 bop's or a ball lightning i have a damn good collection of playing cards i think and am always lookin for a good trade this is my normal want list
shivan dragon
helm of obedience
jesters cap
maraxus of keld
powder keg
2headed dragon
dual lands
lord of the pit
but the thing is those are my big wants id love to get like another demonic tutor or a black mana battery or a wurm(my favs) hell i'll even trade for a drain power if i could that would be nice oh well just figure i would get something off my chest reply with thoughts, your basic want list ,blahblahblah as always -mmm


I have a Helm of Obedience for you MMM :)

Email me at <redacted>


I feel the same way. I had so many people ask me that question that I started saying "No, I do not have any cores, ports, squees, avatars, kegs, or tutors to trade" to everybody I was trading with. Guess how many replies? 0! Just goes to show how the game is not what it used to be anymore.


I can load you down with Wurms. What do you have for trade?


Let's keep the topic to one that belongs here hmmmm?
Magicman moe, I too have encountered this phenomenon, but more in actual life than on the net. (I wouldn't usually trade with someone I wasn't face to face with.)

I don't really have a want list, more of a list of cards that I don't really need and would like to trade to someone who wants them for something that I can use. And these are good cards, like Territorial Dispute and Embargo, but with all the attention on masticore etc. these don't seem all that good.

Same goes for dual lands. I recently acquired a couple that I didn't really need, and when I hauled out my traders, they were the only cards that anyone else even considered, and often these people didn't have anything that they would trade for them that I wanted.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, next time you trade with someone, take a look for some of those other more interesting cards that are not being sought for by thousands of others.


A word in the defense of the people who only want the so called "tournament quality" cards is that alot of them already have all they need of everything else.
While I also experience the same problem you are having when it comes to trading with people always asking me for certain cards. I also have the problem of when I look at other peoples collections, regardless of how good they are, I usually have most of the cards in them and the only ones I don't have are those super high demand rares.
I mean heck, I run a card shop that is normally pretty good at tracking stuff down as Gryphon could concure, and even I have alot of trouble getting cards like this, I can't remember the last time I had a cradle in here. I've got stuff like mint crusades and hammers of bogarden sitting in my binders cause no one wants them (at least around here), and I can't really do much trading cause most peoples traders are things that I already have or don't have any intrest in (eg; Pale moon).


I do wish I'd stop getting the same trade lists over and over and over. If you want those cards and can't find them for trade in a few days.. go buy them! If it's that important to you isn't it worth buying the cards!?!

Generally the people that ask for those cards are those that are trying to build some deck for a tournament. Not all, but most. Some are just trying to get the cards without having to spend money on them, and I don't get that. Instead of flooding message boards with want/have lists, just go to eBay. Sell your cards, get the $$$, buy the cards you want. Isn't that easier? Geez :)

Another thing is that most people that are wanting all these trades are also the types that don't buy many packs. I am guilty of this one myself. I find myself buying the cards I need as singles instead of trying to gamble on the randomizing of WotC. I recently bought 3 Masticores to finish up my sets of Destiny. It was $33 for the 3 but that's better than trying to gamble on packs for $3 a piece. Now that I have spent my money on these cards do you think I'll trade them off? Heck no! So quit asking! :)


This isn't meant as a personal attack against anyone; I'm just naturally rude. :)Gryphonclaw and Magic_man_moe: I'm with Ura. Those people that are posting those lists have the stuff you obviously want to get rid of. It sounds like you two are complaining because people don't want the stuff you have. People have a right to ask for whatever they want. And they do look for other cards, it's just that other cards are easy to get, so those that want them get them right away and you don't see them on want lists. Magic_Man, I've looked at your trading posts, and no offense, but I have never seen anything that I might want. I imagine a lot of people feel the same way. People won't go for bad cards, it's as plain as that. If they're never going to use them in a deck, can't see a viable use for it, why would they try to get it from you? You can't make people go for the stuff that you have.
On another note, I have never traded online. I agree with Wizard that it's a lot easier to just buy what you want on Ebay than to try to work out a deal that involves multiple emails going back and forth and could take weeks before anything even gets shipped.



ok. the whole purpose was to just get something off my chest. i wasnt bitchin or tryin to get rid of those cards,nor was i mad about the cards i have,in fact, most of the cards i have are pretty damn good and are either from beta and unlimited, most of them, not all of them. so before you start shootin off at the mouth about me not havin anything worth to trade cuz well i do plus not havin any money would kinda not help my situation now if i had 40+ dollars i would buy good cards but i dont ok see ya