Pyromancy---R/G/W and tons o' fun



68 cards total
2 Plateau
1 Taiga
2 Karpulusan Forest
1 Reflecting Pool
8 Forest
5 Mountain
5 Plains
1 Sol Ring
1 Grim Monolith
2 Thran Dynamo

1 BoP
2 Quirion Elves
4 Skyshroud Elves
4 Nesting Wurms
4 Howling Wolves
2 Crimson Hellkites
3 Squee, Annoying Goblin
1 Latulla, Keldon Overseer (discard low CC for big Pyromancy)

3 Pyromancy
1 Zuran Orb
1 Feldon's Cane

1 E. Tutor
3 Wrath of God
2 Repopulate
4 Disenchants
3 Pillage
1 Regrowth

This deck was inspired by Duel's "5 color WHAT?" deck. The premise is pretty clear: get Pyromancy out and start discarding like mad. The Nesting Wurm is the heavy hitter w/ the Howling Wolves playing a similar role. I have a lot of mana and Skyshroud Elves, so I like the Crimson Hellkites for 2 big reasons: 9 Pyro damage or X blasting each turn. Squee is recursive pyro damage, but I admit he is a cheap little.....

Utility in Disenchant and Pillage, mass removal in Wrath of God, reusable creatures in repopulate and feldon's cane

One thing I really like about this deck, There will never be a dead card in your hand. Plus, I think it can shine in 2 headed giant. I will probably be assaulted in chaos.

Want good card drawing too, maybe Greater Good or Jayemdae Tome. Suggestions anyone? Buehler?


Urza's Blueprints. I had a UBC Pyromancy/Wildfire deck that was pretty cool and the Blueprints made it great. Draw with 'em or pitch'em, depends on where you are in the game.



I didn't even think of the Blueprints but you're right, they work nicely in here (and I have 3x, added bonus).

BTW-You had some awesome Infernal Genesis ideas, I just figure there are going to be more posts on that one so I'm going to wait on making a deck list.


Pack Hunt has an affect similar to that of the Nesting Wurm, but would allow the ability to pass to really BIG creatures like Weatherseed Treefolk and Shivan Phoenix.

Just a thought.


Karn, Silver Pimp is great in this deck, too. 4/4 Dynamos, a 0/8 Wall or 5 damage from the Pyromancy. Pack Hunt is another excellent suggestion as well.



R/G/W? Why not Johann? He costs about 6 to cast anyway.

Use them gold cards!


I'm having a tough time not using Pack Hunt in this deck and there are 3 reasons for it.

1) I love the card, always have from the second I saw it.
2) I only have 3 sets of 4x creatures in here, 2 of which pack hunt themselves. I would not only have to change the creatures I use, but I would want to 4x everything to optimize. Now my deck is going to be very expensive. (although Pack Hunting Squee would be ugly)
3) In order to get it to work effectively I would have to drop probably the Wraths and more, but there isn't too much else I want to risk dropping.

Johan would be cool in here, but I don't own any (although I've always liked him).

Pack Hunt Version 69 cards
2 Plateau
1 Taiga
2 Karpulusan Forest
1 Reflecting Pool
7 Forest
5 Mountain
3 Plains
1 Sol Ring
1 Grim Monolith
4 Thran Dynamo (for Karn + Pack Hunt)

4 Quirion Elves (or Priests of Titania)
4 Skyshroud Elves
4 Nesting Wurms
3 Thorn Elemental
3 Squee, Annoying Goblin
2 Karns

3 Pyromancy
2 Urza's Blueprints
1 Zuran Orb
1 Feldon's Cane
1 Voltaic Key

1 E. Tutor
2 Repopulate
4 Pack Hunt
4 Disenchants
2 Pillage
1 Regrowth


Johann should be easy to find. He was reprinted in Chronicles, and is certainly NOT a tournament worthy card, in the opinion of those who care (not myself, though I use that attitude to trade to my advantage -- 1 Powder Keg, Masticore, or Rishadan Port will net you a set of 4 "suboptimal" rares, in addition to scads of useful uncommons, a very good deal in my opinion).

Come to think of it, a lot of the legends reprinted in Chronicles had atrocious casting costs, and should be able to be acquired using the logic above. Regardless, good luck.