Not really casual, but needs help nonetheless.



4 Fightcrawler
4 Ravenous Rats
4 Shadowmage Infiltrator

4 Standstill
4 Zombie Infestation

4 Ghastly Demise
4 Recoil
2 Undermine
4 Aether burst

4 Duress

4 Underground River
4 Darkwater Catacombs
4 Salt Marsh
4 Island
6 Swamp

2 Do or Die (hoard)
3 Aura Graft (squirrel nest) weak
2 Undermine

so far.

The Idea is to use only 3 lands and the rest for zombie fodder. I had tried Skeletal Scrying, but found I didnt want to have more than 3 lands, so it was useless, and added the Frightcrawler instead since I should be at threshold quickly.


Turn 1 Swamp, duress.
Turn 2 Land, Zombie Infestation.
Turn 3 Standstill . . .

Thoughts, Ideas, Comments, or Criticism is welcome. Well maybe not Criticism :D .


Is Zombie Infestation the enchantment that lets you remove creature cards in your graveyard to produce tokens? Or is that Bearscape? It I'm right, you only have 12 creatures...not nearly enough to feed the ZI.

Also, 8 of your lands either come into play tapped, or require two lands to power them. This contradicts the use of Duress. Maybe you should try out the Kindle Discard version from odys?


ZI, is discard any 2 cards to put a 2/2 zombie in play.

Mind burst doesn't let you choose, Opp chooses which is why I avoided it, also how often will that extra matter, by the time it gets used later, they are down to 1 card, I thought about peek or opt, since they replace themselves, but I'm not sure what I'd pull, nor how strong they really are.

I don't like the other one either, where you discard X to pick X of theirs. I need the cards for the ZI.

I haven't playtested it yet, and I don't own the cards, except in the virtual world of MtGO. :(

But in testing I can usually get out quickly. If the wererat were 3, I'd use him, but I don't like adding the 4th land unless I have to.

SB is weak, I have never learned the art of the SB.

Maybe I should look at a Green/Black version using Braids, ZI and bearscape.


Man ZI is getting popular quickly. First deck I've seen run Frightcrawler too, nicely done.

The 2 cards I question are the Rats and the Ghastly Demise, although I do see your reasoning for both. The Rats aren't powerful enough, the 1/1 body isn't big enough to do real damage and chump blocking shouldn't be a problem with ZI. If the discard is very important, run Addle instead to help protect the ZI. Ghastly Demise is cheap and works well with the deck, but there are too many problem creatures in T2 that this just can't deal with. It might be better off as a straight counter or Rites of Refusal.

But I can definitely see this deck being able to win some games, nice job.



The rats were just cuz I like them, they could easilly go away. counterspell would be better, and as for demise, you are correct, it is lacking. I would probably put in Innocent blood or at least side it. I could look at maybe Childhood horror or the Dirty Wererat, but I'd rather use the land for a half a zombie. . .although if I get color hosed, I will have to put in the 2 swamps and 2 Blue producers anyways.

I haven't been in a tourney in forever, but I think it deals well with most stuff.

You are so right about ZI, I liked it right away, and now EVERYONE is using it. Not that I had anything to do with it mind you.