New deck: New idea: Will it work?????



Ok, I've been playing around with this deck for a good while. Its proved very effective in its matches. But I'm not sure how it can handle the "big" archtypes. I think I need to aim at more defense but I'm not sure. What do you think?

4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar elves
3 Squirrel Wrangler
3 Deranged Hermit
3 Blastoderm
4 Albino Trolls

3 Living Lands

3 Wildfire
3 Pack Hunt
2 Elephant Resurgence

3 Animate Lands
3 Might of Oaks

4 Horn Of Ramos

8 Mountains
10 Forest

Is this not the wierdest deck you've seen?!? Ok, here is the complicated but easy to pull off strategy.

Ok, you try to get an early jump on ur opponent with Blastoderms/Albino Trolls leading the way. Then start to build a huge squirrel arsenal with Deranged Hermit and Squirrel Wrangler. While building,launch a surprise attack with animate land/living lands. Then launch the squirrel attack. Afterwards, if nessary cast wildfires continuosly until you have a nicely filled graveyard. Then, as the final step, use Elephant Resurgence/might of oaks to finish the game. How does it look? How can I defend against the popular archtypes?


Tag Guard

You need to be able to do alot on the first turn.
I recommend Exploration. Put 2 minimum and 4 as maximum.
Also, don't reley on Wildfire. In multi game your deck will wreck havoc, but in duels, your deck's too slow.
I still don't know if this is tourney or casual.
If it's casual, here are a few ideas.

Pouncing Jaguar
Rouge Elephant
Concordant Crossroads
Defense of the Heart
Worldly Tutor
Enlightened Tutor
Mtenda Lion. (Don't use this against blue.

Or, you can splash blue.
Use counterspells



This deck is a T2 casual deck. But I do play in apprentice tourneys sometimes. So it needs to be competitive. I removed 4 of my mana producers, 2 llanorwar elves, and 2 birds of paradise for 4 exploration. That will definitly speed things up. The other cards I'm not sure sure of. I'll post my updates on the original post..