my latest work of peotry


Turtlewax Joe

I wrote this off a prompt in one hour during class. PROMPT: Opposites.

I know i strayed from the prompt but it got me rolling anywayz.

here it is:

Untitled Suicide
matt saxon

When opposites colide,
like two magnets mighty.
They're different we know,
One "city" one "po"

Opposites attract,
and this is no different.
With only love in common,
the odds were against them.

they passed the test with flying colors,
tried and true they triumphed.
their love overcame one obsticle at a time,
they finished the race just barely ahead.

though they were different,
they now were the same.
in each others eyes they see,
a deepness, a longing, a passion,
and what can only be,
a little part of them looking back.

There were some good times and some bad,
they had house and home.
But in this poem is tinged with tradgedy,
like one magnet pulled from a bunch,
it falls to the ground wiht a deathly crunch.

No longer an opposite,
considered dead,
with one half the puzzle missing,
the silence became dizzying.
With her mind fizzling and yearning,
she was driven to the edge.

As she stood on the bridge,
her last thoughts were with him.
as she started to fall,
she could see his face so near to her now,
it seemed to peer and stare.

fear, no hope, and all but bleak,
she spread her arms and continued to fall.
With great plunder and force,
she sank into the icy water.

frozen, and cold, and grasping for air,
her conscienceness drifted and left there,
an empty mind mind with one question:
Is he really there?

when her heart stopped beating,
every pound set still,
her eyes now closed looked deathly ill.

Her skkn now pale,
she sank and rested her head on the bottom,
now at rest in her own cage of torment,
she was locked in isolation so desolate,
but none so much as death.


what'd ya think ppl?
