Multani's Political Corner 6: Education...How to Make it Better



The long awaited Multani's Political Corner 6 has arrived! Finally, we take our eyes off of the international scene to attend and dicuss things closer to home.
It seems an irony that this corner will be about schools, as most of us have left that god-awful cursed place. :D
So let loose your opinions on how schools and education might be improved in general....whether it'd be year-round schools, better teachers, or even more money into schools themselves.

Note: Due to the closing of Multani's Political Corner 5, I ask that all participants debate and discuss in a respectful manner. You can still have a heated debate and be civil at the same time. I know it's only a few(1) people that caused the closing of that thread. Please debate civilly, and don't spoil it for the rest of the CPA.

Now, happy debating! :)