sells spam-alternative!



Go to and look at their banner ad.

If it's the same one I saw... click it. It mentions Breakfast and shows somthing that looks like alredy made toast.

the link goes to

I've never heard of this stuff.

Apparently, it's Colonial-Day Spam.

This is the kind of spam your First Presidents, the Freedom Fighters of America(also known as the Terrorists of the British Colonies, to be fair to Gizmo and the other European members) Ate.

And they want us to mail-order it from them. Without free samples.

HA! I guess Mtgnews is trying to get into a Magic player's wallet Via his stomach! I'm proof it's working!

If I ever see anyone eating this at a tournament... I will laugh. and ask for a sample...

Oh! and check out this quote from their website!

We ship Frozen Scrapple to Florida, California, Etc for the many transient Philadelphians