Mageta 'n Rebels?



Hi everyone.

I just registered and I had a few questions. First off, I just recently came back to Magic after a hiatus starting during Exodus. And, having some pretty good luck, managed to get hold of Lin-Sivvi and Mageta the Lion. Now, when I saw the rebels, I knew there was potential for them. And I'd love to add in Mageta for his creature control. And since I'm sort of clueless as how to go around building such a deck, anyone got any suggestions. Now, of course, being a Casual Player, it would be nice if the deck would be around $20-$25, minusing the cost of 1 Mageta and 1 Lin-Sivvi. Thanks for your help

- Inyatha


Rebels are really pretty easy to make. The classic pattern to use is a simple Rebel chain up to Lin Sivvi, and then either some really big Rebels or a bunch of 2/2s. The early Rebel chain consists of Ramosian Sarge and Lieutenant, from there, you can get Lin and every other Rebel you need.

So, start with four Sarges and either four Lieutenants or four Falcons (the flying equivalent of the Lieutenant). Then, personal taste defines what otehr Rebels go in the deck. A lot of pros like the idea of eight 2/2s (Steadfast Guard and Fresh Volunteers) and a bunch of Gliders as a horde, and just attacking with that army.

Some players like the idea of pulling out Jovell (I so mangled that spelling) Queen and a team of larger Rebels instead, with just backup from the Gliders.

Either way works.

That's just a start with the Rebel chain itself. Disenchant, Ramosian Rally, Reverent Mantra, and Mother or Runes are all good support cards, once again, what goes in is defined by personal taste and what you want the deck to do. There are so many Rebel decktypes out there right now, so nothing really defines 'Rebel.' So go with whatever works. :) And have fun!

Cateran Overlord

Also "tournament" popular for a while, and still somewhat now a favorite for MBC, there is Grizzly Rebel. Basically, it uses all 1 and 2 CC creatures, hurlings out a horde of Grizzly Bears(Fresh Volunteers if you didn't know) and Steadfast Guards. Then Reverent Mantra and let em loose!

But then I kill Rebels for a living, so i'll go build another Merc Deck now :D


Thanks for your help so far, guys. I think I'm starting to scope out what my deck might look like.Reverent Mantras are sort of expensive though...So are Crusades and Glorius Anthems, which would be nice to beef up those Sarges and Gliders. Ah, woe is me.

Anyway, past the rants, anyone know of a particularly good online card distributor? So far I've been looking at which does not charge for shipping and handling (unlike and is pretty inexpensve (unlike, but I was wondering if anyone had a favorite.


Guest :)

That's our host site. They're worth checking out, though I myself don't but from them (or anyone else, for that matter).

I don't buy cards online, really, so I don't know. eBay is a good choice if you're looking for bad cards, as they sell for $1-$2 easy. Look for a Morphling, though, and you're looking at 10-15$.

"Personal opinion: Avoid Newwave."


Okay, if you are building a mageta/rebel deck, then there is one card you must have: Rebel informer. A 2B mercenary rebel. But Russell, you say, It's black! Yes. and a rebel, so friggin summon it, then use it w/ heartstone, a card you also should have, to improve your rebels, to save all your guys from annhilation by mageta. Then bring them back...

3 mageta ( at 5 mana for a 3/3 with this ability, use all you can)
3 rebel informers (So you won't draw them, and be unable to use them
2 Sivvi
4 Captains
3 lieutenant
2 Defiant falcon
3 Nightwing Glider
3 Thermal glider
4 Cho-manno's blessing (keep your guys alive!)
2 story circle
3 heartstone
4 Disenchant (Or abolish, or seal of cleansing)
4 topple (Any white creature-elim. You won't have many big fellas, though)

20 Plains, or any variation thereof.

this deck can stop combos with disenchant, freeze creature decks with mageta/topple. Burn should fall around story circle, and anti-creature will fall prey to nightwings, thermals, and cho-manno. Not to mention the recycling capabilities or the sivvi and the informer...