Kamahl questions

  • Thread starter Shiro, Time Devourer
  • Start date

Shiro, Time Devourer

Kamahl is supposed to be the longest-surviving pit fighter in the whole Cabal Pit. There's a serious problem with his card, where it doesn't jive with his story. The guy is a 6/1. This means unless he had his Desire on, he'd be killed or at least incapacitated by anyone he skirmished (who in turn would also be put under.) In addition, if he could pack heat in the pits, what's to stop anyone else? I mean, any prodigal sorcerer who wasn't a new entry could bust a cap in his oink and put him away. How is he the only guy to fight as many times as he used to unless the fights are somehow fixed in his favor?


Staff member
His ability was dealing 3 damage to target creature or player probably had something to do with it... maybe he was exceptional at ranged combat or something :)


Or it could be interpreted that he's so fast (haste) that he can always get the jump on an enemy with a trimongous 3 damage.


try thinking about all of the other legends in other sets. Crovax the Cursed! we killed ourselves with that stupid thing!!!

Or was it the other guy???