HI - I have no idea what is going on anymore


Staff member
Hello everyone!

I hope that all is well with everybody. I was in the neighborhood (okay, I'm three continents away from most of you) and thought I'd stop in and say hi.




Nothing Special
Welcome back... sort of... I guess... hopefully.

So, you were in the neighborhood of the internet? How does that work exactly?

As far as what's going on... do you mean here at the CPA or in the Magic scene in general?


CPA Trash Man
Nice to hear from you, Ferret!

To bring you up to speed, all you need to know is that the others have been unsuccessful at destroying me.

Ransac, cpa trash man


Isengar Tussle
Ransac was replaced by Marjory the trash heap and has never been more humorous.... :D

Nice to hear from you.... post as you feel able. Lend us your magical wisdom.... or just help me with drafting and deck building..... ugh........


Howdy Ferret!

That explains why we have a Darth Ferret maybe? Is there a story we should all know about this? Inquiring minds, want to know!


Staff member
Well, I'm going to do my best to login as much as I can. As you can see I'm back in Iraq, but it's a lot easier for me to get online this time as I actually have internet piped straight into my room (it costs about as much as I pay back home and runs about about 1/10th the speed).

I missed everyone here and thought I'd come back and hang out for a while - especially when I saw the "Hall of Shame" (I think everyone knows what will win when The Dark comes up).


...I'm glad to see that a lot of the regulars are still here...


Staff member
BB: You should probably check out the thread called something like "Why I picked my username" in Classic Questions; DF and this Ferret are pretty much coincidental :)


Yep...I got my name long ago, when I still lived in Misery (Missouri).

Budget Player Cadet

Ferret? Cool. See the 'hall of shame' thread for my opinion to you. :D


Staff member
It is nice to actually see so many familiar faces. I'm still posting on another forum, but it's for a writing site, and everyone there gets so psychotic about all of their opinions that it makes me want to run and hide. Fortunately, there will always be here...


...I do miss doing anything on a casual level...