
Killer Joe

New member
I have seen many Game Shops come and go, as I'm sure most of you have, but recently a new game store opened up near my work and I want it to have a long and prosperous life. Here's a list of game stores (Magic play) from my area from the past decade:

Infinity Comics - Penn Hills (gone)
Cards 'n Comics - North Versailles (gone)
Acme Games - McKeesport (gone)
Bad Guy Comics - Lower Burrell (gone)
Of Heros and War - South Side (gone)
Helm's Deep - Dormont (gone)
Main Event Games - Dormont (gone)
Exit 13 - New Kensington (gone)
Scorched Earth Games - New Kensington (gone)
Comics 101 - Clarion (gone)
Mr. Nice Guy Games - Oakmont (In Business)
Superior Sports Cards - Natrona Heights (In Business, but dying)
Blue Star Games - Sarver (Just opened)
Phantom of the Attic - Oakland (In Business, Magic sales only)
Phantom of the Attic - Monroeville (status unknown)
Phantom of the Attic - Parkway Center (Status Unknown - used to be the hub of Vintage play)
New Dimension Comics - Cranberry (In business)
Ides Book Store - (Magic sales only)

There are about 3 or four more stores around but none that I know of that have Magic play, just sales.

I never want to have to get my fix with MTGO, it's good and all but I like the real thing.


That's okay, one of the close Downtown Comics locations near me recently closed down because their competition didn't have to pay for rent and really jacked their prices down.