Goblins + Obliterate..fast but needs tuning


Reverend Love

Here's the deal. Wanted to play a multiplayer goblin deck but didn't have ANY idea in what direction to go with. So while I'm pondering I decide to pay for some Ebay auctions... 3 Obliterates, bringing the count to four when WALLA!

1. Horde Opponent
2. Reset via Obliterate
3. Horde Opponent
4. Reset via Obliterate
5. Do Tusken War Raider Victory Chant arm waving and all.

Unfortunately unlike some cats whom I play with my goblin collection isn't fully "powered" (2 Lackeys, No Siege-Gang). Thus a slight sub-optimal build as you can see.

Main Cards: 5
4 Obliterate
1 Jokulhaups

Spells: 5
2 Goblin Bombardment
3 Brightstone Ritual

2 Goblin Marshall
2 Goblin Goon
1 Unstable Hulk
4 Raging Goblins
4 Skirk Prospector
2 Goblin Lackey
3 Goblin Ringleader
3 Goblin Matron
4 Mogg Fanatic

Land: 25
25 Mountains

I went with 25 Lands due to multiple resets but after a few test games I'm starting to rethink that idea. Siege-Gang Commander would star here but alas I can't get 4 four under 11 bucks :( Yea I'm cheap.

Skirk Prospector and Brightstone Ritual allow the Obliterate to come out 4th turn.

Unstable Hulk..I love this dude! Hulking out followed by a Obliterate all but removes the pain of loosing a turn.

A fun deck but certainly not quite the killer I envisioned...anyone got some experience slaughtering fools with a deck similar?


Fireblst maybe?...

And if I had a siege gang - would you be interested in trading for it?...

PM me your tradeable stuff if so, and I'll do what I can for you...;) :cool:



Obliterate obliterate obliterate...

can't help ya with any combo's for it, sorry...

good concept though


Lodestone Bauble - nice card to run with seismic assault...

or the artifact coming out that allows you to play lands from your gy... just save room for it... and mana to cast it...;)

But if you're going to lose your mountains - might as well fireblast...


I think I'd run 1 more Bombardment. Or maybe a sneaky Furnace of Rath or Gratuitous Violence, which would be extremely scary for your opponent to be facing down on post-Obliterate.

Strictly from a MP view, Aggravated Assault could be decent. It is expensive to activate, but it allows you to be aggressive and pulls guys back around to block. I don't know if you'd have the mana to support it though.

Consider Barbarian Ring as well, since you shouldn't have any problems getting threshold. Colorless damage in an Goblin deck is always nice.

Last thing, you might want some targeted artifact destruction in here. Granted the Obliterate kills artifacts, but a well-timed Oblivion Stone or Disk can ruin your day. Goblin Welder might be interesting for some artifact control. At the worst its a vanilla 1/1 Goblin, at best it can screw up for opponents' strategies post-Obliterate or wipe out tapped Disks.


Well - since the deck isn't running any artifacts itself - Meltdown would be my choice - expecially with affinity around..., and artifact lands...;)


If you wait until after the whole darksteel shabang, there will be a whole slew of indestructable creatures. They're probably not going to be goblins, but they'll live through that Obliterate.

Fireblast is a darned swell idea, as well as anything that sacs land/creatures to do something before obliterate sets off. Zuran orb doesn't really matter in this deck, but maybe an ashnod's/phyrexian altar type thingy, so you can get some mana advantage out of dying creatures to cast a goon or a hulk.

Pyrokinesis might be good, too.

You might as well loose the Jokulhaups, 4 obliterates is probably more than enough to wreck house.

You need to go with some nasty enchantments, though, since they're the only thing that doesn't die to obliterate.

It's stupid, I know, but it could turn the clock up against multiple opponents after everything is removed from play via obliterate.

Or, Impatience.

Reverend Love

Wow, some good advice here thanks guys.


Great suggestion with Fireblast! I'll make sure to find room for them here.

I'm not sure about meltdown. I love the card but I don't see it being used here. Maybe goblin replica for spot removal in it's stead?


With the Bombardment I found through playtesting that either:

A: It would quickly be removed via disenchant or bounce
B: I'd end up sac'ing for mana via Prospector instead

So I'm actually considering just yanking them all together (or maybe leaving one) and instead playing with maybe Gratuitous Violence as you've suggested...Post Obliterate that would be ugly.

The Ring is another good suggestion. Never know when those extra two points could mean victory. I'm thinking adding four, watcha guys think?


I like your suggestion for using Indestructible. Hopefully Darksteel will give my Goblin deck some goodies.


I'm actually going to put this up to the CPA to decide. With all the great suggestions for enchantments received there's quite a few paths we can take here.

Antagonism - Nice and cheap, punish those slow decks!
Gratuitous Violence - Goblins, Gratuitous Violence..need I say more?
Impatience - Same as Antagonism only not as insulting
(no picture of goblin in art)

Or maybe slap in one of each? A little variety?


I'm also tossing around the idea of mixing up the goblins here. Goblin Warchief I'm thinking is a must..along with a few other cheap gobbies..watcha think?


Chartooth Cougar, to help you thin out your deck, find mana, and recover from your own Obliterate?


if you really want spot removal for artifacts - shattering pulse isn't a bad idea - buyback and all...;)


I really like the card, but it has been evil to me in Qtys of 4. This includes a threshold deck running Book Burning.

I'd recommend starting with 3 and see how that does.

I didn't even notice you didn't have the Warchief in here. I saw the Ringleader, and just thought he was the Scourge guy. Go figure. Do you have any Piledrivers? They really are great goblins.

While I like Gratuitous Violence for the synergy aspect, I like what Antagonism does in an big MP game. It makes the whole table want to play aggressive...I like it when red is manipulative.


The only thing I can think of is that you don't want everyone playing aggro when your deck isn't running cheaper control...

Though Antagonism is a nice card...:cool:

Reverend Love

Alright guys took some of your advice and tweaked as necessary;

Just won a auction for 4 Siege-Gang Commanders..paid 14.10 (including shipping) but was REALLY starting to become impatient :)

Train you da man! Love Fireblast!

The last thing many of my opponents have seen is the Ring..thanks Mike.

Good suggestion with Antagonism Bcopes..and the fact it's a goblin with a poop eating grin on his face in the picture is icing on the cake.

Main Cards: 4
4 Obliterate

Spells: 7
2 Antagonism
3 Brightstone Ritual
2 Fireblast

Goblins: 25
3 Siege-Gang Commander
4 Goblin Warchief
1 Unstable Hulk
3 Raging Goblins
4 Skirk Prospector
2 Goblin Lackey
3 Goblin Ringleader
1 Goblin Matron
4 Mogg Fanatic

Land: 24
21 Mountains
3 Barbarian Rings


you could splash black via duals/pains/fetches just to run yawg's will

(sorry, yawg. will is like my child. i love it!)

Reverend Love


Don't have any Piledrivers either...got any extras per chance?


Don't have any Goblin Recruiters :(


NO DISASSEMBLE! (watched that stupid robot movie last night)

I like the name..and I did think of splashing black for Bidding...but that would be against all my casual player ethics.


Guys think this would be ok if tweaked to type 2? I've got a tourney coming up soon and haven't eve begun to work on any type of deck...watcha think?


I do actually. I've been slowly acquiring them b/c I expected to build a casual goblin deck for my group, but 2 other guys in my group have already built goblin decks. Kind of takes the desire out of it for me.

I have at least 1, but I believe 2. I've got a few things going on this afternoon, so I'll send you a response on your trade-list within a few hours.

Reverend Love

FYI for yall,

Played my gobliteration deck today. Basically started whoop'n up on people then obliterated...that effectively made me a marked man.

Attempted to attack opponent 1 who was at 12 life...
Opponent 2 Tangles me...rrrrr..
Attempt to caste Siege-Gang Commander
Opponent 3 Counterspells....rrrrrrrrrrr..*getting pissed now*
Again attempt to attack opponenet 1
He responds by dealing 14 to my dome with a huge Kilnmouth dragon..that's ok because he's down to two and I've got enough *Tangle*



THEN on top of that I let someone barrow my blue beatdown because it's simple deck and she's not all about combo or anything....she wins two games back to back killing me in the process of course..go figure :rolleyes: