Crossing Jordan



Okay. In part to help train with his little venture to see if there is more interest in TV around here, did anyone see the finale of Crossing Jordan last night?

Max standing over the dead body at the end wasn't so unexpected. You saw it coming a mile away. Of course, you still don't know the full backstory. They'll keep drawing that out for all it's worth.

The thing that got me was Max turning his gun on Woody. Am I just reading something in here or is there something more going one than we are aware of? We know why Max did what he did, but why threaten Woody?

Personally, I think he's trying to get Woody to shoot him. Cop assisted suicide. Any other opinions?


I think Crossing Jordan is a good show... and Jordan's cute... I think her dad drinks too much - go figure he owns a bar...

but as for the story line - I missed it last night... And we had just watched her open the trunk the week before...

Dang Practice!...

Was Jordan the finale, or is that still to come?...

I still wish they'd bring Veritas back!...:mad:


That's just not cool...

I now have to wait all Summer to see a new Jordan episode...:rolleyes: