Casual Victory in Type 1



Ok people. I've been thinking about it for a while, and maybe this will work. Is it possible to break Coalition Victory ("Casual Victory" :D) in Type 1? The idea is use Sliver Queen and the rest of the deck various types of searching, with dual lands coming in naturally. (If anyone didn't know yet, the card does work with Sliver Queen and three dual lands). Basically, using all the restricted abd non restricted searching and fast mana, like various tutors, Moxes, Necro, Power 9, a Sliver Queen and all types of dual lands. Maybe Rakso will be of most help here :)

So, any ideas?


Staff member
Wasn't there some archetype deck that used Sliver Queen a couple of expansions ago? I'm not sure if it was the Sliver tourney deck (probably). So why not either modify the Extended Sliver deck...

Build a deck using Dream Halls to help get out the Queen...

Or modify Secret Force (maybe that was the deck) or build a deck using Natural Order (again to get out the Queen fast).