Bird's Nest



This deck uses Artificial Evolution to make Squirrel Nest make Birds and then bounces with Keeper of the Ninegales. It has Seedborn Muse to bounce more and use the Nest more. It's T2 legal, but I don't care if it's made not T2. The deck is mostly casual. Any help is welcome.

4 Birds of Paradise (also birds and they help the mana accel)
4 Keeper of the Nine Gales
3 Seedborn Muse

3 Forcespike
2 Counterspell
4 Careful study (is compulsion better for the deck?)
4 Deep Analysis
4 Moment's Peace
4 Memory Lapse
3 Artificial Evolution

3 Squirrel Nest


Since you don't care if it's made not type2 - Intruder Alarm... and really go to town...

Then you don't need the muses, and go off faster...;) :D


just build a squirrel deck with alpha status in it...

what? its the poor mans coat of arms :D


Actually, I like the seedborn muses in here, especially since you are running counterspells. Tap out to play your stuff, untap and remain counter ready, (And gain the utility of using nine gales and the nest again).

Of course, if you really don't care about keeping it t2 legal, then Tradewind Rider is much better, as you don't have to mess with evolving your squirrel nest.

That said, relying on an evolved anything is pretty risky. You'd do well to run some other utility birds so that your nine gales isn't a dead card should the worst happen to your squirrel nest.

Well BoP is the only green bird in t2, but blue has some nice utility birds:

For one mana:

Aven Envoy - zero power is pretty unconvincing, but 1cc could validate his presence.

For two:

Sage Owl - Dude, seriously, run these.
Coast Watcher - Pro green can really come in handy.
Storm Crow - Like aven envoy, you could do better than this, but still a nice cheap bird.

For more than that:

Thieving Magpie is always good.
Skywing Aven is playable at worst.
Shoreline Ranger is way expensive, but island-cycling could make it worth it.

If you run about 12 REAL birds with the Keeper, you should find that this deck will work without the squirrel nest evolution, which means it'll play more consistent. The nest just makes it super gravy.


The main reason why I'm not that concerned with keeping it T2 is because the entire deck, besides the combo cards and BoP are rotating out. By the way, I view Muse as better for the deck over Alarm because it allows me to tap for twice the amount of squirrels (one each turn) and it allows mana open for counters, as previously said.


Okay... Point taken with the muse... but only because I forgot to mention sticking the nest on a man-land... even if it's a Factory...

"I'll activate the man land, tap to make a squirrel, untap the man land(intruder), tap to make a squirrel, untap, tap, untap, tap, untap..."


Originally posted by train
Okay... Point taken with the muse... but only because I forgot to mention sticking the nest on a man-land... even if it's a Factory...

"I'll activate the man land, tap to make a squirrel, untap the man land(intruder), tap to make a squirrel, untap, tap, untap, tap, untap..."
Oh, that changes a lot. That's a nice idea. Thanks dude.


Try running Deserted Temples in here, they play very nice with the Nests, and they don't slow down your mana base much at all.


if you use intruder alarm and then some type of animate land on the squirrel nest enchanted land you can get infinite squirrels (birds)
or if you can animate all your lands you can get infinite mana and the cast stroke or sometin for the kill

i fireball you for 2001 :D


The intuder alarm works well with man-lans...

Mishra's Factories, Treetop Villages, Faerie Conclaves, etc...