Balder's Gate


Staff member
For any of those who are playing/have played...

I just started, and in my first visit to the town Beregost, in Feldegast's Inn, I talked to some short dude who lost his short sword to some gnolls outside of town. I think I might have answered him wrong because now he refuses to talk to me :rolleyes: but I'm wondering:

Did I miss a chance to get some gold/goodwill/whatever if I retrieved his sword? Or no matter how I answered him, he was gonna brush me off?


I have no idea about the answer to your question...But I do have Baldur's Gate...I tried to be the Rogue, chaotic neutral...And I did maybe 5 times in the town you start in, and as soon as you get out of the town...So I had to leave it alone for awhile...

But I did preorder BG's II...

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Yeah, you missed a chance to get some gold. If you get his sword back though, he might give you a reward anyway - I'm not sure.

It's on one of the gnolls in "High Hedge" (northwest of Beregost, east-southeast of Candlekeep)


Dark Horse

You missed a bit, but its negligible.

Whats your party?

The best makeup in my opinion (Ive beaten it thrice.)

2 Parts Wizard (2 Specialist)
4 Parts Warrior
2 Parts Cleric
1 Part Thief

I usually use.

Specialist Invoker (Dynaheir)
Specialist Conjurer (Imoen dual classed.)
Fighter/Cleric (Yeslik)
Fighter/Thief (Curan)
Fighter/Druid (Jaheira)
Fighter (Main Guy)


I'm at the end of chapter 7, and I must say that this is one of the best RPGs ever!!!

And about the party, I don't think it matters much what character classes you have - for me, the fun factor is the most important. For example, I made all the characters attack and kill Khalid, because he drove me NUTS! And then I picked up Quayle, just to hear him constantly argue with Kivan.

Quayle:"Ah ya bunch of bumbling simpletons, move out of my way when I cast my spells!"

Kivan:"Will you shut up? You drive us all insane with your constant bickering!"

Quayle:"Who taught this chimp how to talk? I didn't know they could do that!"

For those who don't know, Quayle is a little gnome, and Kivan is a huge ranger =)


Staff member
Second use of mad smilie...

I knew it! I told him I'd buy a sword at the armory but he obviously didn't like that... but all the answers sounded patronizing so I guess I still should have went for "I'll get it for you" answer.

As for my party, as I said, I just started so my main guy (female, actually) is a dwarven fighter/cleric, followed by Imonon (whatever), Khalid, Jaheria (?), and the two bad dudes Xzar and the fighter/thief, whom I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have to fight someday (especially if I don't get to Nash-whatever soon). Oh well...

Okay, no more spoilers, I just wanted to know if I should attempt to back up and get the sword (which would involve re-starting from when I entered town) or not. Thanks.