Art, old versus new, and artist


Thallid Ice Cream Man

Tempest had the most thoroughly bland art of any set ever, except possibly Homelands. At least there was variety in Fallen Empires, although some of it is bland and some of it is weird, Drew Tucker-ish stuff (which I don't like either). The only art piece I remotely like from Tempest is Phil Foglio's Recycle. I don't really mind the art changes recently, although I do think Planeshift is a step in the right direction (the art just seems different... it's hard to explain).


I somewhat dissagre, I mean, you see all the good art in Tempest too... Slivers for one, I love, Ron spencer's (I think that's who) Queen Sliver is good, as well as the other gold sliver cards kick bootie.. Eldamri is not the best art, but his armor is cool... Many other cards, like earthcraft, are good example of how good the art in tempest is, so, sadly, I dissagree.