Apprentice Bullies



Jeeze, wassup with most of the people playing on appr !

Man Like they have no patience at all!

I mean not everybody can spend all day playing and some want to play online because they cant play a lot in their area. Like me.

Spend more than 2 min thinking and they loose patiente, often pushing you in making play mistakes.

The worse is for people wanting to play sealed. They like expect you to build the deck within 5 minutes, but wont let you play a deck that you have "prepared" in advance.
(although they cant control it really).

I know that Giz is going to tell me how annoying it is to play against someone who plays so much more slowly but hey, not everybody is a pro.

Anyway, the thing that ticks me off is that I go online to play - TO ENJOY MYSELF - not to be like a machine playing as many diff. match up possible within the smallest amount of time.
Plus if your opp gets the feel that you are not "good" or play a deck that they consider "below tier one" dont expect more than one game.

Dont get me wrong, I played against nice people and had some very enjoyable matches, but sometimes its really annoying.

Anyhow. That was my rant of the day, 'cause I'm just pissed off right now. I'll calm down later.

Since I already calmed down quite a bit I'd propose the following. Why not create a rule for nickname choosing that people "would be" expected to follow.

Each player could indicate its play level within its nickname out of 3 categories :
B : Beginner either for the use of app or for the game of magic
R : Amateur, Regular : good player, typical FNM or local participant.
P : Pro - takes less than 10 sec thinking between each turn.

The code could be following:

Something of the like.

My question to "heavy apprentice user" is as follow:
would such a denomination make sense ?

It could be REQUIRED to specify your level to join the channel.

Any thoughts ?


The ones I hate are the jerks playing a net deck against my less than optimal deck and getting beat. Rather than finish the game they disconnect. How rude.


I haven't played App in ages. Noöne plays casual. After I forwent App I did a little NetDraft, and found it more rewarding, but the constant drops spoiled it.

My last App match was my R/W against Necro. He quit as soon as he remembered he was a 4 life, and my Cutthroat would swing for 5 next turn. :)


I don`t have a problem with slow play, but it`s true that Apprentice games are generally played at a much faster pace than games in real life. Generally when they hassle you it`s a sign that they aren`t worth knowing anyway, I tend to drop out of those games immediately and remember their nick so I don`t play them in future.

I find that whenever you play against a good opponent they understand that some decisions take time to make, and so long as you go 'hmm' or something so they know you`ve not got disconnected they are fine with it. Hassling players is a sign that they are bad players themselves.
Looking at your scale I`d think that it`s reversed - the Pros are going to take longest to play because they are the ones who know that they need to think about what they are doing.

Unfortunately fast play as part of the #apprentice experience, mainly because 99% of #apprentice players are absolutely godawful at Magic. A lot of Apprentice players think they are a lot better than they actually are - the inevitable result being a lot of whinging when they lose to 'worse decks', and my personal favourite 'god ur such a lucky scrub' as they disconnect midgame.


I agree. I am, myself, a quick player and I have an unfortunate tendency when I play to seem blustery. Asking "My turn?" after they've attacked, etc. However, I try to restrain my pushiness, and I never do it on apprentice, because there I have time to think before I speak. I enjoy playing people who think through the game, as it usually causes me to as well. However, if I'm worried they're looking at another screen or not paying attention, I will message them.


I think 2 mins waiting for someone to take their and being upset is understandable...Its not like you have someones furrowed brow to look at, or smell their stank of burning brain're usually just looking at a blank screen...Maybe before you play the match talk to people about their playing style, fast, slow, casual, etc...


sorry, but I do have to totally agree with gizmo on this. Almost all of my time playing apprentice has been far less then stellar. I basically gave up playing on it from lack of finding opponents with a brain and courtesy in the same bundle. :(
I tried again last week out of bordom and basically quit again as soon as I got battered with a bunch or comments like "Fires sucks", "Black is the best in type2", snuff'o'derm is gonna be the deck to beat, and so on and so forth. :(
That and a bunch of people saying the Oppofishion is the new best deck in Type2. From what I could tell it was just a merfolk deck with oppositions and counters in it. *shrugs*

I have nothing wrong with waiting 2 or even 5 minutes for a person to complete their turn though, as long as they let me know they're thinking then I don't care. Its still magic, regardless of it being on a little electronic box, and still requires thought if your playing to win.


Staff member
to agree with Gizmo and Ura...

I only play the ONE person I know from here 'cause I "know" her and she understands if I don't know how to do something (like put a card on the bottom of the library). (Plus she's the only one so far who can meet my schedule of playing so far)

I would probably only play people from here anyways; no way am I going out and trying to solicit a game from unknowns.


...and a lot of them cheat, or don't know the rules.
I've been trying to put together a list of Nick's from here in the "General Information and Questions" forum.
Everyone who plays apprentice can go there and add those names to there notify list.
I'd much rather play someone from here.
I've only played Spiderman, its kind of nice to be able to come here and discuss the game afterward.


I have had some very good games on apprentice. with some inovative people. like everything else it is the few jerks that really ruin it.


Staff member
but I know the people from here so I would feel more comfortable playing them. This way I control the "jerk" factor :)


Griffith-se' idea is a great one, I'd like it, I may actually use apprentice again for more then consistency tests.
Hey Spidey, if our schedules meet up sometime I'll play you, I've got a nifty new T2 idea I'm brewing right now. :)


Staff member
Okay, I'll let you know when I'm available. As Griffy can attest, it's not often and usually only a couple of days in advance :)


hehe, same here. I've been getting so many shifts at work and then my seminars at the college lately....gahhh!!!
Sorry, just had to vent that. ;)
I have to make some decks for it too since I'm sure all the ones I had on there are illegal now. :(
Yes, thats it, project blackburn, mwahahaha.....
*scampers off into the darkness laughing hystericly for no reason other then his own amusment.*


Yeah, I don't play constructed on Apprentice anymore for the reasons everybody else stated before... It's the funniest when before you make your final attack, your opponent "takes control" of your every permanent, places it in the graveyard and disconnects. Things like that make me regret the fact that I can't see their face, after I bashed it in the table (literally) until it's nothing but a gory mess .... :mad:

Edited - damn typos! Oh, I need to calm down... Flowers, pretty pretty flowers...