ANNOUNCEMENT: Orgg is a weenie!

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MTGO. This morning. Just now. He and I face off with our Prismatic decks.
I deliver a severe pounding, eventually getting a Legacy Weapon into play and Weaponing away all of his lands but a few.
I draw a Cunning Wish (He's at 1, now), and I Wish for a copy of Zap and cast it on him.
He disconnects rather than admitting his loss.
That's right, people. Orgg is One Of Those Guys.
*sigh* Who'da thunk it?


At first I thought you meant he was a weenie as in when you called me a weenie (when I beat you about 6 times thanks to mana screw and then you beat me once, and I said I had to work on a comic and go to bed).

But of those disconnectors? :eek:

Surely Orgg can give his side and clarify. I'd hate to think Orgg was a dropper.

Thallid Ice Cream Man

This sort of thing has happened to me on AIM before, so I am inclined to sympathize with him.

But WTF if he is one of those guys?

I guess it's good to know that he does not have an infallible wireless 24-7 internet connection hardwired to his brain.
That's all that we can tell really.

EDIT: And it was 6 in the morning.


CPA Trash Man
Don't disregard the fact that an academic death may have been enough to send theorgg.......over the edge.

*possible reenactment*

Orgg: Stupid, damn, stupid Legacy Weapon! Why does it hurt me so? WHY!?!?!?! No matter, with this card in my hand, I can win next turn and......huh? WHAT!!!!!!! ZAP?!?!?!?!?!?!?! WHY......THAT'S.............hhhuuuuuuuuuuuaraaaaAAAAARRRRGGG!!!

*cheesy computer generated transfomation(not that's one's neccessary).*


*Orgg runs towards the city, expecting for mayhem and chaos to take place, but trips over the phoneline, disconnecting the internet and causing Orgg to tumble to the ground at the same time.*

*thunderous crash*

*Orgg reverts back to Orgg, which was pretty much the same thing that he transformed into.*


Ransac, cpa trash man

Chaos Turtle

The point is, even if he did disconnect on purpose, he was at one life and about to lose that one. Are you one of those people who will actually wait around for the full 10 minutes because you can't bear the thought of conceding the game you obviously already won? Is "officialy" winning so important? If not, what's the problem?

So he disconnected. Get on with your life. Dragging such a petty matter out into a public forum in an effort to embarrass another member is, to say the least, juvenile.


Staff member
I've seen this happen quite a bit online. Usually when it happens the person that got dropped on gets mad and spams the main room w/ "Block X - he doens't let you win!" or something to that effect. The usual barage of responses are "Just block him yourself and the rest of us will learn on their own..."

I don't think that Orgg would do that on purpose it doesn't seem like him. But, if he did it was kinda' rude....HOWEVER, dragging it here to the forums is equally rude. If you didn't like it, send him a private message and bring it to his attention.




Way to close the thread before I get a chance to respond.

Orgg did it on purpose. He said he was going to do it before he disconnected. This wasn't an accidental loss of connection, this was a conscious decision.

Chaos, Ferret - Bite me. I don't care if you think it's rude or not, it's equally rude not to finish a game you're playing, whether in person or online.

I would do something similar whenever anyone knowingly and intentionally closed MTGO rather than finish out a game.

And with that, I relinquish both my moderator position and my faith in several people that frequent the CPA. It's my opinion that people that pull stunts like that should accumulate something akin to negative feedback on eBay, and that the people who defend those who pull stunts like that are no better. Walking away from a game unfinished is BAD SPORTSMANSHIP - something that the CPA should strive to eradicate wherever possible, not support and defend.

So, bye. I've been reminded why I don't visit these forums anymore.


Dude, it is pretty rude to just blast a forum member. Why not make the main point of the post that the act of dropping is severely bad, and then maybe drop it in that Orgg did it as an example? Or, as Ferrett said:

>> send him a private message and bring it to his attention

>>Walking away from a game unfinished is BAD SPORTSMANSHIP - something that the CPA should strive to eradicate wherever possible, not support and defend

Not that I am defending the act, but playing against your decks can get pretty dang annoying. You have a God collection for the small investment you put into it, and a lot of times its just disheartening to get blasted six ways to Sunday while still trying to develop one's own resource bases. (Though you ought to love my fast-played Riths. ;) They always save my oink ).

>> I relinquish both my moderator position and my faith in several people that frequent the CPA.
>> So, bye. I've been reminded why I don't visit these forums anymore.

Man, are you sure that's not an angry overreaction? That's a bit extreme. Are you actually leaving over just one thread being closed, after all the time you've been with the CPA and helped it?

When I talked to ya about quitting helping those people a while back, you said you were really badly needed. Well...

>> the CPA should strive to eradicate

Looks like your help is needed here, man, to be a representative of good sportsmanship.


Staff member
I'd say orgg definitely needs to give his side of the story... perhaps he had to leave suddenly and didn't have any more time to explain the details. And at least he said he was dropping and didn't do it out of the blue, which probably should have been mentioned in your first post.

Plus, as a mod, you can reply to closed threads or open them back up or whatever...


Staff member
This has been re-opened at orgg's request, presumably to explain his "misinterpreted joke" (his words).



It seems that what was a joke was completly misinterpreted. I've been studying for a huge test, and every five hours or so I've been taking a break and letting my brain rest. Near the end of one of those breaks, I was on MOL and playing a game with Istanbul.

Much earlier than the place in the game called into question, he had used an X spell to put me to one. He also had three other mana that he did not tap to kill me.

This shows how serious the game was beyond that point. I started a tirade of jokes prefacing each comment with "damned," a word that MOL doesn't censor, for some reason. I cursed just about everything you could think of, in an obviously facicious way.

Then came the Wish for a Zap. I'm at One. It's seven AM, I've been up since 2 AM studying, and it's time to cut short this over-an-hour long break.

Isty makes a some jibe about "now I've got you" or something of that nature, implying that I cannot avoid losing.

"Damned guys that drop right before they lose."

I then close the game, as I would've if I had said "Well, that's game. I've got to go study now. bye!" instead of what I had said.

The only difference is that I did not click "OK" for that Zap to resolve. It was on the stack. Targetting My Head. And I made a joke poking fun at those jerks that drop out right before losing. Then I dropped-- and that was the joke part of it.

Now Istanbul is quite mad at me, even though I've apologised-- and I apologised the moment I saw this thread.

As for the rudeness, I somewhat agree. If this had been a chronic thing, as in my connection drops oh-so-conviniently every time me and Isty played a game, something of this nature would be warrented. However, Me and Istanbul have played this game since the Beta test, and the only time I've dropped is when the power goes out-- and if there is a storm happening, I'll warn when that's a possiblility.

Granted, that doesn't do anything for the Florida Brown/Blackouts that happen and go away after an hour or less...

But this was a simple JOKE. I know it was a rude action on MOL... but I thought the joke would simply get a snicker and then a shrug.

The corny joke was a way of saying "HA!" and throwing the brag back into Isty's face. That's pretty tough to do with such a good player, though...

I've already apologised, and I've a screenshot of the conversation if proof is needed... which I hope it isn't. I don't know why Isty is taking the joke so badly, as I even tried to resolve the game from the abeyance it is being held in.

To quote Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. "So it goes..."


See... now that clears quite a bit up...

But if Isty didn't pay attention to the comment before you dropped - he might not have known...

Do we need a comment/rebuttal from Isty?... Maybe an apology...

I don't know what is needed... but if this gets settled - that's all that really matters...:cool:


Staff member
It seems to me that it's really between Isty and orgg now. In my view, both members have been here a long time and neither seems inclined to screw other people. I'm going to chalk this up as one big misunderstanding.


Staff member
In my opinion, all that are not involved should let this drop. I know both users very well. Neither are vindictive. Isty is serious about how he plays - play one of his decks, you'll understand :). Meanwhile, Orgg is anything but serious. I can see how this kind of misunderstanding can happen. A similar one happened to me w/ Ist when I first started playing MTGO. There was a heated argument and neither of us were speaking to each other for a while...

...this argument was difused by none other than The Orgg. He helped settle things and peace reigned supreme in the online world of Magic...

If I know these two well enough things should settle down there should be no hard feelings.


"Can I close this thread now?"


>> "Can I close this thread now?"

Dude, you should close it. Like you said, it should be between the two guys. Via PM or whatever.

Of course, it shouldn't have been more than such in the first place...


The issue has come to a close. I maintain that this was not the best of jokes, but I understand that it was meant in fun. And with that...
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