An extremely casual deck idea


The Tentacled One
I'm going to try to build this only because it seems no one else has tried anything quite like it...

I am going to somehow accomplish the following...

Achieve infinite mana and untapping ability probably via an Intruder Alarm combo (I'm currently leaning toward the Sliver Queen/Argothian Elder one, but that may change).

Destroy all of an opponent's creatures and disable that same opponent's ability to get mana (not sure what mechanism to use for this one yet, but probably the one that uses the fewest cards).

Donate Ring of Ma'Ruf to that opponent.

Use Echo Chamber (thanks to Train for this one) to make copies of the Ring, as many as I want.

Then I have "infinite wishes" so to speak. I can win with pretty much whatever cards I want.

Pretty cool, huh?


Peregrine Drake + 4x Sapphire Medallions + Capsize = Infinite Mana (w/ 5 islands) + Creature/Land removal (no creatures, disables opponents ability to gain mana + gives him a very large hand)

One problem = Echo chamber only works on creatures :(

But the first part works pretty good. :D

Blue POWER!!! :p


2x Death Wish + Mirari + Lich = Infinite wishes.

Lich (or Lich's Tomb, if you like) puts you at 0 life.
Death Wish costs you half your life, rounded down...which would be 0.
All you need to do is Death Wish first for a Death Wish...
...then, whenever you want to Wish, make sure you Mirari it. One copy to get the first Wish back, another for whatever you want to get.

...holy crap, I could make this on MTGO.

That's just WRONG.


A similar but easier infinite mana combo to Nightstalkers' is good ol' Palinchron + High Tide or Mana Flare.


May be easier to get and all that, but can you bounce a players entire field back to their hand?


The Tentacled One
The bounce can be accomplished via Capsize, thanks to infinite mana.

I know that Echo Chamber only works on creatures. Same for Intruder Alarm, which will untap the Echo Chamber. I am not sure why my post says nothing about Toymaker (other cards work too, but this was the one I thought would be simplest). I remember putting it in there. Anyway, Ring will be a creature-so this does work. I will also need a card drawing mechanism, but that will either be accomplished as part of the combo that this deck is built into, or be done using Mnemonic Sliver (since if I go with the Sliver variation, I'll have as many slivers as I want).

The Peregrine Drake thing is cool, reminds me of High Tide, but this wouldn't fit into a High Tide deck. I don't think I have any Sapphire Medallions left either :( and they're annoying to get a hold of. I'll probably test several ideas on Appr. to try to come up with one that actually has a chance of pulling this off anyway. But in the end, the actual deck will probably consist of cards I already have (minus Echo Chamber). Regardless of that, what would you use to power that engine? I mean, obviously you need to get out all four Medallions, which would probably require some tutoring, etc.

Oops! Sorry, Rooser. Didn't see your High Tide bit when I wrote my post. Well, the deck I was thinking of was my High Tide deck, actually, which is far from the only variation. But getting Palinchron out could really change things. I don't know that I have Mana Flares left in my collection either, but it's an easier card to obtain than Sapphire Medallion, plus I could always just go with High Tide instead. I like it...


Originally posted by Oversoul
I am not sure why my post says nothing about Toymaker (other cards work too, but this was the one I thought would be simplest).
ooh! I never looked closely at any set between Urza's triloge (urza's three blunderful sets) and Odyssey... unless you count Invasion as between those sets...

Regardless of that, what would you use to power that engine? I mean, obviously you need to get out all four Medallions, which would probably require some tutoring, etc.
Demonic Tutor
Diabolic Tutor
Enlightened Tutor

Do you want my little list of fetch instants/interrupts? :confused:



you can limit an opponent's land/mana with limited resources...


The Tentacled One
Tinkering in Medallions, and having Enlightened, Demonic, and some other tutors, as well as drawing power could make the Sapphire Medallion thing pretty workable. Then I guess it's just a matter of Stroking for the combo, including Capsize, and becoming godlike, or whatever. It seems viable...

I still maintain that Sapphire Medallions are annoying to get, but I do like the idea, and Medallions are definitely useful outside this deck (unlike our friend, Echo Chamber, but that can't be helped). So, if this turns out to be a better engine than other options for this deck, I guess I might as well try to get Medallions...

The Palinchron variant I'm unsure about. I don't see this fitting in a High Tide deck, but I've been wrong before. The Mana Flare thing, however, looks like it could cut down on the number of card, and while slower than the High Tide version, possibly facilitate the combo more capably...

In the short term, because I want to get this deck built and playable as soon as I find Echo Chamber, and might not keep it around for very long after that (and why wouldn't I?), I"m still considering using the cards I already have. This limits the range of nonbasic lands I can use significantly, but allows me to use multiple copies of things like Time Spiral, Tolarian Academy, Dream Halls, Mind over Matter, Stroke of Genius, and plenty of other cards that are restricted in Type I, banned in Type 1.5, and banned in Extended as well, I'm guessing (but I don't know about Extended, since I can't take the format seriously after it banned Dark Ritual, but I'm sure that plenty of people here will rush to my aid and inform me as to the states of these cards in that ridiculous format).

So, I am also looking at the following...

Sliver Queen
Intruder Alarm
Argothian Elder
Ring of Ma'Ruf
Echo Chamber
Mnemonic Sliver

...all squeezed into some broken combo deck (with Dream Halls, perhaps? ;) ) in one-of's, obviously.

Edit: I can't spell.


Though it's blue - I like the idea, and it isn't entirely possible without blue...:(

I don't think some of those cards have ot be one-of's though...

know what you could do - Hermit druid - yawgmoth's will, dream halls!!!...

"Scary... simply scary..."


The Tentacled One
It would be an excellent excuse for me to obtain some Hermit Druids...

The land thing would still be a problem though, with Druid, since I typically have to include several basic lands in my decks...

Heh, Hermit Druid + Yawgmoth's Will + Dream Halls looks to be a great mechanism for overkill too though...

Well, look at the blue thing this way, Train...

It's using a little blue to get a LOT of anything else. Granted, in my case blue cards make up a rather significant portion of my overall collection (I used to have like 40 Snowfalls, but I've given most of them away, the same doesn't go for some other useless blue cards), but if I felt the need to, I could Ring in only my nonblue cards of my collection... :D


Originally posted by train
Though it's blue - I like the idea, and it isn't entirely possible without blue...:(

I don't think some of those cards have ot be one-of's though...

know what you could do - Hermit druid - yawgmoth's will, dream halls!!!...

"Scary... simply scary..."
Come now Train, blue isn't that bad once you get to playing with screwy idea's and forget that winning isn't everything.

Why, how many times has someone lost to donating an Illusions? XD

Exactly my point, why win by completely enveloping your opponent when you can humiliate them with something that is completely against the laws of man?

Blue is so cold and is great at doing that sometimes. Oh, and if you don't like using straight blue, why not just put it into either an artifact deck, or a greeny deck that uses elves to give you whatever mana color you want? Interesting idea, dont' you think?

I would just like to state that I am against Dream Halls unless I am allowed to use 4 of them in a deck of my own design :D

And nobodys allowed me to use more than 0 Dream Halls in a deck since the days I played with proxy decks.


The Tentacled One
I would let you play 4 Dream Halls in a deck of your own design. The proxy thing can get pretty crazy though...

I mean, I'm sure most of us have seen several variants of decks that have a very good chance of first turn kills, thanks to multiple copies of all "power nine" cards and some other goodies...

I already told the story in a different part of the CPA, I believe, but I had my own proxy version of such a deck (Hel, Goddess of Death!), which won by Forking Time Walks multiple times in a turn, then Timetwistering everything for reuse (and eventually nailing the opponent with a Kaervek's Torch for some needlessly large number).

On another note, I've always wanted to use Denying Wind with Dream Halls. Just imagine the sheer horror of casting two of those in one turn!


Originally posted by Oversoul
I mean, I'm sure most of us have seen several variants of decks that have a very good chance of first turn kills, thanks to multiple copies of all "power nine" cards and some other goodies...
Um... I don't have any of the power nine except for a crap proxy of a lotus that I use to fool people with.

[/b]On another note, I've always wanted to use Denying Wind with Dream Halls. Just imagine the sheer horror of casting two of those in one turn! [/B]
Well, it pays for the spells cost and not just slaps it down on the table for ya, so you can safely use it to chuck out a little MissPhage if ya wanted to. The only problem with that is making sure she survives until she can safely get at your opponents life points. I originally thought about giving her Shadow via a Dauthi Embrace and using a Dream Halls to get her out in the first place.


The Tentacled One
Why stop there. With this deck I could kill an opponent with...

So many things, like Leeches, or an inordinate number of Snowfalls that are creatures under Opalescence, etc.

That's one of the reasons I want to use it in multiplayer, more people to kill in those sundry ways...

But sorry about the confusion with the power nine comment. I meant decklists when I said "decks." I mean, if people are building proxy decks, eventually someone will go with a Mox or two or twenty, in my experience...


Well - the will idea is to have your win/kills in hand - otherwise you can't use dream halls as you have to discard - but there's no reason stuff couldn't be returned to your hand - heck - you even get to choose what you'd like...;)

"even artifacts generating blue mana - are sharing in existence with an Island's offspring..."

"That's just wrong!":p


The Tentacled One
Bah! I must finish this deck so that I can kill someone with Leeches! That will be the ultimate kill...


Originally posted by Oversoul
But sorry about the confusion with the power nine comment. I meant decklists when I said "decks." I mean, if people are building proxy decks, eventually someone will go with a Mox or two or twenty, in my experience...
Meh, I've got a pretty good proxy of a black lotus I only use to screw with peoples heads.

Why is it that whenever you've got something like that in a trade binder that everyone and their brother wants to challenge you? It completely baffles me.

But if you want to play blue without the annoying lands, howabout putting in a few Darksteel Ingots or even a Mirrodin's Core? They'll produce the offending mana (as well as any other color you want) and not leave you tapered down with all of that offending nonesense of being restricted to only one color mana. And better yet, ones just a common old nonbasic land, and the other is an indistructable artifact.


The Tentacled One
I'm thinking of something a bit more clunky here, actually. I might go with a deck that Thawing Glaciers in basic lands alongside my other lands, which I will use to get whatever color...


I'm still mis-speaking on my posts(more sleep is needed...)

The idea with yawgmoth's is to have the kill cards in the graveyard... you then discard from hand to pay for them...

One of these days I'll get it right...
