an amazing red T2 deck



hi agein fellow magic playrs. this i a T2 red ddeck that i posted at one time but have im proved once agein. it an almight tap out red. it seems to be a little lame at first but it beats alot of things that are big in t2 now such as
squirles, ponza, stompy, burn, rebels, and suicide black. you might think im bull shitting you on this but its true. i cant handle replenish well but its a good all around deck.

3 raging goblin
1 latulla, keldon overseer
4 shock troops
1 keldon berserker
1 hammer mage
4 ridgeline rager
3 flowstone wall

4 shock
3 chimeric idol
3 shatter
2 rhystic lightning
4 citadel of pain
2 barbed field
3 tremor
3 arc lightnng

18 mountains
2 ghitu encampment

the idea to the deck is to beaf you ridgeline ragers and beat the shit out of the opponent. most people will fear a 7/2 creature coming at you and they cant regenterate there creature. you dont have to fear a masticore, you SHATTER it on the beggining of your turn. that also goes for a grim monolithe in a speed deck. the tremors are there for the evil squirles, and for rebels, your barbed fields can do priety good to. there enchanted lands thats win the game slowly and take care of small creatures, also why tap your lands for a flowstone wall when you can do damage, the second one sounds a little beter to me. yes theres 61 cards in the deck, the 61st card is latulla you can remove it but it think its a good tap out card and a diesent blocker,you can win games with it to. well i think i covered all the aspects of the deck exept for the suicide decks. my anwer for turn one negator, SHOCK. all there other creatures burn the hell out of them, you have 9 burn spells plus tremors.thats segnifacent it think. well until later fellow magic players. if you want some other deck lists tell me in a responce to the deck.

also on anouther note if i use diving witchs abuility,
(tap 1 and a swamp, discard a card from you hand, name a card, discard the top 6 cards and remove them from the game, remove anouther card from the game untill the card you named is reviled )
and name BLACK LOTUS or any other card, can i misdirect it back at my oponent so he removels all the cards in his deck, the decks out on his turn. if not can you tell me a card in T2 or MBC that lets me do that.


nice deck :D looks like it will work in type 2 well

I don't know abot the divining witch but i will check for u


I'm pretty sure you can't misdirect it since its not a spell and I don't think there is any card that dous do that.

Though I might be wrong.

Duke will probably come later to clarify it. Or spiderman or the others.


No, you can't Misdirect it. Note that Misdirection first requires a spell, where Divining Witch is an ability. Secondly, notice also that Divining Witch says 'your' library specifically, that means that _you_ are the only legal target (though it doesn't actually target...). You can only Misdirect to a legal new target, and since there are no other yous in the game, it doesn't work. :)

There are rulings to support this, but I can't site 'em off the top o' my head...


thanks for keepng us basking in the glory of your knowledge of magic:rolleyes::p:p:p:p:p

just a joke:D


thanks for the help with the second quistion, but i would like to know what i could do wiht the deck. its fun but a well played powder keg kills me. host of the time its followed up by a masticor a take over the board. please give me a little idea to build off of


Okay, this is another case of using cards when there are simply better cards out there:
Shatter is worse than Pillage
Shock troops is worse than keldon berserker
Flowstone wall in ineffective for 3 mana.
you have alot of 1 of a card.
Here's my take:

4 raging goblin
2 latulla, keldon overseer
4 keldon berserker
2 hammer mage
4 ridgeline rager

4 shock
4 chimeric idol
4 Pillage
2 rhystic lightning
4 citadel of pain
3 barbed field
3 tremor
3 Flame thingy (4 damage to each player.)

18 mountains
2 ghitu encampment


thanks too who ever sent me the last advice, but as i said in my email there is sertain cards in there for the type of enviroment, such as tremor, it kills all little anyoing creatures. i think i will take a shock troop out for berserker and ill take out the latulla for anouther berserker, im also considering scorya cats instead. the walls are very effective becouse of the simple fact they tap you out then return to a 0/6 wall at the end of your turn. flame rift hurts my deck and if i cant tap out i srew my self over with a citadel of pain, and no one but your opponent likes that. the pillages i dont like becouse i can use them turn 2 to stop a grim monolith from speading up blue decks, also i dont like to destroy land of my opponents it will hurt them in the long run.
im not trying to be a dick about advice you people give me but i have tryed a few different cards and i found some work beter than others, and who ever wrote the last message i will consider some of the changes. well until later fellow magic players


Two thoughts:
1 Ancient Hydra. It allows you to tap out, acts as a creature, and has direct damage!

2 Flowstone overseer. tap out, creature destruction, and creature pump, for when you are unblocked!