AHHHHH, Prophecy



I am not relaly to happy with the new prophecy set. (there is a spoiler on MTG). Green gains a lot from it and the enchantlands kick ass. (Put them on opponents lands) But overall it looks like prophecy was anti-white making it so white weenie wouldn't be as good. I am kinda disapointed, please tell me what you think


Jason! White Weenie was to strong man, it needed a down side, and thanx to prophecy it now has a disadvantage. and green came back too so thats good! Get over it White is dead!:D



I'll take the Prophecy cards you don't want. Almost all of them are pretty good, even the commons.

I already pre-ordered a box. The spoiler has convinced me to buy a second.


I was thinking of maybe buying 2 boxes with Jason, Tyler, and Casey,, etc. So I hope it worx out and I get some good stuff to put in my death poit offering deck.

Seeker of Truth

First off, I think that white may see a little bit of a setback with Prophecy, but with Rebel decks being the new WW and white getting better creature control than black (still don't understand this one, from a "color flavor" point of view), I think that it's about time that white sat on the back burner for a set. Plus, Cho-Manno, Revolutionary, Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero, and Mageta the Lion...there aren't too many groups of three Legends that stack up like this. (I don't know, maybe you prefer Ascendant Evincar, Volrath the Fallen, and Greel, Mindraker?)

I like playing green, and I think Mana Engine Green will become the new stompy, as players line up mana elves, Gaea's Cradle, and then proceed to beat down with Stampede Driver and Vitalizing Wind (35 damage turn 5 isn't bad). Green got some real winners, and the large-effect-for-large-mana-cost cards fit perfectly with green's natural tendencies, so green just seems to be the best suited to Prophecy.

garfobosonfire (sorry, off topic):

I don't know how the tag game exactly works this time around, but I know that the first game required you to have TAG GUARD be at the top of the post, or at least in the first line. You've been placing it at the end of the post, and I'm surprised no one has called you on it so far.

Of course, what do I know? I'm not even playing...;)


whatever, im done, it was kinda pointless and im glad i dont have to keep putting up the guard so, oh well ;)

:eek: :eek:

Seeker of Truth

Plus, I forgot to say, I think the next super-power card won't be any card in Prophecy. I think it could very well be Mishra's Helix, as it will enable you to cast all those powerful Rhystic spells without fear of interference from your opponent. In a green deck with the Helix, mana engine, and some powerful green spells (like Wild Might, or Vitalizing Wind), it's probably not outrageous to assume that at some point, green will be able to kill people within 4 turns on the average.

Are we returning to the Golden Age of Stompy? Or am I just biased towards green?

You decide...


my stompy deck does kill in an average of 4-5 turns, what are youtalking about? there isn't anything that will really speed it up too much in this new set, except for that new 2CC +5/+5 card. i think i'll play 4 of those.


I think every color got some great cards with the exception of white. But white didnt really need any good cards cuz its awesome anyhow...! I think PRO will just make all the other deck types contenders against WW (This is in MBC-6, just so you know) I dont really think the spellshapers are gonna be played very much, but I like em...


dude, Case, its Tyler Durden, Durden, not Burden. Get it straight!!j/k man ;)


I went to the Prophecy prerelease today. Got a port in my packs and played it. OH YEA! Anyway red did fairly well as well did green. 95% of the decks where green/red including mine. So I had a good time. The funniest things I seen? One guy played the blue wind card and got to remove seven cards from his opponants library. Now in a 40 card deck, thats a lot. And they where all creatures leaving him with one. The other cool move I seen? Someone played a Bribery and stole the big green trampler Avatar right out of his deck. HEHEHE!!


Mageta the Lion.
Mirror Strike is *incredible*.
Shield Dancer.
Sheltering Prayers is incredible SB vs. LD decks.
Sword Dancer.

I could keep going...

Seeker of Truth


I agree with some of your picks, especially Shield Dancer. This is a card that will be in my Rebel deck. It doesn't tap to use its ability, which means that it can be played right away if it needs to block on the turn it comes into play. Plus, I thought that Reveille Squad was a good uncommon Rebel with an outstanding ability that basically allows you to attack without worrying about defense (for the most part). I also liked Diving Griffin and Mine Bearer, although the latter is a bit too slow, and I wish the Griffin had been a rebel.

But then again, you can't have everything... :)


The best play I saw came when my opponent cast a Bribery, looking for a big pounder, and I just happened to have my Jhovall Queen in hand, where it couldn't be bribed!

The coolest play I saw was in the first round, where there was a creature standoff between my opponent and I, and I did this Zen thing and said "OK, I need to use my Zen power now..." and topdecked Plague Wind, ending the game!


I meant that Prophecy's enhancers could possibly cut stompy's kill time from 4-5 turns to 3-4 turns, which could be extremely crucial. You're right when you say that it won't speed up stompy too much, and I know that stompy is already fast, but yes, it could stand to be a little faster, as I've heard of a Turbo-Bargain deck that supposedly wins in 3 turns on a fairly consistent basis.



How well did you do in the tournament?

Your topdecking reminds me of a time I played Replenish against stompy. The only chance I had of winning and advancing to the finals was to topdeck a Replenish and cast it to wave out my opponants lands and creatures. My friend Hobo said he would tap my deck for luck to get the Replenish and I did. He wasnt to happy though when he relized I bumped him out...hehehehe..So is life!

Seeker of Truth


I posted a summary report of my tournament record in the "prereleases" thread, so you can check that out, too. But other than that, I went 4-2, and I finished just short of the prize qualifications (5 or more wins, 1 or fewer losses in 7 rounds of Swiss) by virtue of a 2-1 comeback loss in the sixth round. :(

But anyway, when you read my post in "Prereleases", and my post in the "Casual decks" section, you'll see that although I lost, I came out a winner! :D