Fervent Denial



Fervent Denial 2U
Counter target spell unless its controller pays 1 for each card in you graveyard.
Flashback : 3UU



It's a not-so-good Mana Leak, but without turning to a smoldering dungpile later on, like Leak does.


I would play two copies of this. In the late-game, this card is basically a counterspell...can you pay 15 more mana for that spell?

Wouldn't wanna draw one in my opening hand, though.


Um, wow. Wow. Wow wow wow.

I'm sorry, you're playing blue. Blue. You know, with opt, sleight of hand, and instants? Right. That blue. With fact or fiction that puts stuff into your graveyard. Remind me again how 2U Counter a spell unless they pay 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10, depending on the turn is bad. AND it comes out if they're not careful in the lategame. Against someone who isn't watching, it can be devastating. I mean, come on. Rethink never recieved play because it was next to foil and thwart. Unless this is surrounded by similarly good counterspells (in which case, who cares?!?), it will see play. It's potentially 2 for one. Some good.

BTW zadok? You remember earlier? When we saw flashback, and I said "Well, there's a mechanic that will never see a counterspell." I eat my words. Thank you, oh WOTC gods.


It costs 3. I dont want a 3 casting cost counterspell - Ive got lots of them thank you. Play this over Absorb or Undermine? No. Dromars Charm? No.

Plus this think doesnt actually counter a spell. It could be like pay 0 extra, or pay 1 extra. You are all going 'Opt, Sleight' well bah - you might have 1 card in your graveyard for the third turn. Blech. Awful.

You said 'unless this is surrounded by similarly good counterspells'. Look around. UUB, UUW, UBW. Hell, Evasive Action is arguably better. This card DOES remind me of Rethink - I`ll be rethinking when I try to put it into my deck, and playing something else instead.

Ok, hows this. I wouldnt play it in limited, depending on how cards pan out its possibly a block constructed card. Its too weak for T2, and downright terrible outside of that. Only if OBC turns out to be really poor will this see any play.


It's appealing, at least.

If I happen to play this card for some reason, I can assure you, I wouldn't play more than 2. Hell, even at 2 I'd be worrying my oink off should it appear in my opening hand. It's a dead card in such case.

Let's see, at turn 5, how many cards would a Blue control deck have in graveyard - 3? 4? Nothing strange. The only luring factor about Fervent Denial is that it's replayable.

Right now, it seems best not to completely put down the card, nor take it up high to the heavens. So let's play it, and then run our motor-mouths.

Lotus Mox

I think this could be playable, because there should be ways to fill the graveyard easily in this set, with Treshold et all.
And 2U makes it a nice splashable counter, which IMO will definitely see play in OBC, I'm not too sure about Type 2, but mono-blue decks (if they're viable at all) really need some counters when Masques leaves.