Multiple Rare packs?



I went to my local toy/hobby shop today to pick up a few packs of mercadian. I bought two packs and opened them as my friend and I were driving away. I looked at the uncommons, then the rare and was surprised to find another rare behind it. I was excited about that until I saw the rare behind it and the one behind that. This pack had 12 rares in it! I opened the other pack and the same thing happened, there were 3 uncommon and 12 rares. We immediately turned around and bought 8 more packs between us. 3 of this contained 12 rares each. Has this happened to anyone else? or am I just incredibly lucky?

Ed Sullivan

CPA Founder, Web Guy
Staff member
Never happened to me (haven't actually bought any MM), but I've heard about it. So, yes its happened to other people and you are incredibly lucky.

Now imagine a US-US-US draft with those types of packs. 4 Morphlings

A complete rare set in 7 packs!


Some friends of mine went down there after I told them what happened, and 9 more packs were that way. Thats a LOT of rares for one booster box (it was the same box).


WOW! you should've bought the entire box. I've seen this happen before with fallen empires. the packs all contained the same uncommon card. I got 8 ebon praeters!

I've heard of a guy buying a box of legends and the packs only contain rares.

what happened to you was veerry cool. one of the common sheets was switched with a rare sheet.


I'm bigger than I think, I think.


Between the 4 people that went down there, I think we bought most of the box. By my count we have 165 extra rares out of that one box. It made my day.


SCORE! That's sweet! Someone screwed up at WotC. Nice pick.

--Zadok001, aka Greater Good fanatic
CPA Member
"We have more sprouts than they have hands."