Winston - JigglyPuff vs Istanbul



JigglyPuff won Rock Paper Scissors - picking Rock to Isty's Scissors... He elected to draft 2nd and will choose to play or draw...

Stack (55) Pile 1 (1) Pile 2 (1) Pile 3 (1)

Cards Drafted:

Istanbul (20)
JigglyPuff (12)

Currently JigglyPuff is looking at Pile 1

It's getting too difficult for me to keep up with this thread of picks/passes... from now on, I'll only be updating the cards portion and who is currently on the clock... Besides, I'm not sure if anyone is using this info or not, if you are, sorry... but I'm having a hard enough time keeping the PM's straight... So far no hitches or mistakes, but I did just PM some moves to myself on accident instead of the intended recipients... :)


Jigglypuff hasn't responded to me in over a week... so I'm going to go ahead and cancel this draft. Sorry Isty. I know you wanted out earlier and I thought we'd finish it... (spidey please unsticky this thread.)

Thanks for playing. This seems like a very interesting format I'd love to try sometime. Even if it is chaotic...