I'm getting worried about Forum 6


Ishans Shade

He Guy, Have any of you checked out Forum 6 also known as the casual decks/varintes/ect Forum? There is barley anything there. Don't any of you have some decks you can post? I mean I'm doing my best to make new decks for it, but I can't do it all alone I need support. Why don't some of you just post your actual decks that you play with, I can't beleve that most you you don't have over half-a-dozen decks to you. I mean come on now! I have twelve, TWELVE!

Looking for possibly deck ideas that revolve around commons
Ishan's Shade
The answer to the Baron's Question is yes, I've seen it. But maybe it was the weed I found on the side of the road.

Dune Echo

Dude, I posted 2 all-commons red decks under your Burning Goblins section yesterday.

Ishans Shade

Yeah Dune, I read them, thanks. But I meant that there is no new decks going into it.