I was looking at an entirely different thread and thought I noticed this. It appears that the poll results are completely different from what they were before the forum change. I can't guarantee that this is the case, but I distinctly remember that I voted for Mogg Squad (pretty sure at least one other person did too), and yet that card has zero votes. My guess is that the forum change did indeed break these old polls, which I suppose doesn't really matter, although I'd prefer that it just advertise as much, rather than listing bogus results...
Addendum: I now notice a little mark next to Starke of Rath. I think this means the poll is indicating that I voted for Starke of Rath. I was already nearly 100% certain that I voted for Mogg Squad, despite this poll being some time ago. But I know for a fact that I would never, ever think Starke of Rath is a worse card than Mogg Squad. No offense to anyone that would or anything, but it's not something that I would ever do...