Changes In Magic


Staff member
Announced Here

Mark Rosewater's Explanation

Basically, there will be less cards printed in sets and this per year, there will be a new rarity called "mythic rare", available in every 8th booster, and there will be a land card in boosters now to replace a commons slot (kinda funny in that I posted an except of boosters having a land slot from Modus's nostalgia thread in General).

Budget Player Cadet

Oversoul said:
"Mythic rare"? Sounds like something from Yu-Gi-Oh...
What a coincidence; MaRo even said in his article that he was doing that to 'keep up with other TCGs.'

That sick oink.


CPA Trash Man
"Keep up with the other TCG's?" Hasn't Magic always been on top (save for the dark era of Pokemon?).

Ransac, cpa trash man


Staff member
It's been on top, but people don't start out playing it, they get introduced to card games via other games like Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh or whatever. Then they move to Magic. I guess what they're saying is that they then expect for Magic to have this uber-rarity thing and it doesn't ('cause apparently Magic is the only TCG out right now that only has a 3 level rarity).

So now Magic is keeping up with the Joneses...