Not that anyone noticed...



...nor cared...nor should care, but my computer died (Win 98 sucks giant bronto balls!) and I haven't been on since the 6th.

Over this time I've:

Broken my $3.30 mechanical pencil.
Stabbed myself with my spare.
Almost had my foot eaten by the spokes of my bike when my shoe broke. ('s complex)
Pulled the foil rare from two Invasion boxes, when merely buying boosters.
Wasted hundreds of dollars trying to fix my computer.
Walked into two doors.
Walked into two doorways.
Hit someone when my brakes went out in my 86 Taurus.
Made a crappy R/G/W deck and a crappy U/B deck.
Had many headaches.
Had three irreplacable tapes eaten by my VCR.

And much, much more.

Did I miss anything?


Glad to see you back. I trust your computer is working fine now?

Was the person you hit with your car okay?

And I wanna hear this foot story.:)


Computer is allmost working won't recognize my 128MB memory card. Windoze sux ass.

Yep...I threw the wheel hard left and put it on top the raised median. Just grazed it...still a pain the ass.

Somehow the strap on my shoe broke...I don't know how, because it was pitch-black (night time...ooohhh....) and the remains of the shoe (part was still dangling off my foot.) was not found as I was more interested with not crashing and not getting my foot chewed up by the spokes as when my shoe broke my foot slid forward towards the front wheel quite rapidly.


Also, to my suprise, Windows ME is a lot more stable than 98.

I would use Windows 2000 but it is not compatible with some of my hardware.:(